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Nvidia announced its participation in a $1.05 billion financing round for Wayve Technologies Ltd, a leading UK autonomous driving technology company

Release date:2024-05-08Author source:KinghelmViews:257

International News:

1. The U.S. Department of Commerce announced the establishment of a specialized research institution with an investment of approximately $285 million (about 20.55 billion RMB), focusing on the research, validation, and application of "digital twin" technology in semiconductor manufacturing, advanced packaging, and other fields.


2. On May 6th, local time, Xilinx announced a final agreement with global private equity firms Clearlake Capital and Francisco Partners to sell its Software Integrity (SIG) business for a total transaction value of $2.1 billion.


3. Infineon introduced an XENSIV sensor expansion board for Arduino, equipped with smart home application sensors from Infineon and Sensirion.


4. On May 7th, Yamaha Motor's website announced the latest development of the Semiconductor Backend Process Automation and Standardization Technology Research Alliance (SATAS), jointly established by Intel and 14 Japanese companies and institutions.


5. Nvidia announced its participation in a $1.05 billion financing round for Wayve Technologies Ltd, a leading UK autonomous driving technology company.


6. American scientists have developed a new high-temperature-resistant storage device capable of maintaining data integrity at temperatures up to 600°C without loss.


7. At the Beijing International Auto Exhibition, the Nullmax MaxDrive intelligent driving solution, powered by Texas Instruments' (TI) Arm®-based AM62A chip and TDA4 processor, made its debut.


China News:

1. According to statistics from the Taiwan Provincial Government, revenue from listed manufacturing companies last year reached NT$1.88 trillion, a decrease of 10.7%, but research and development expenditures increased. TSMC's R&D investment accounted for 25.8% of the total.


2. On May 7th, MediaTek released its next-generation mobile chip, the Dimensity 9300+. The Dimensity 9300+ chip supports higher-speed Llama2 7B edge computing and Generative AI edge dual LORA fusion, and is compatible with the Al framework ExecuTorch.


3. Sales of major new energy vehicle manufacturers increased in April, with Xiaomi's Su7 locking in 88,063 orders and BYD delivering 310,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 48%, surpassing other manufacturers by an order of magnitude.


4. At the Henan Province Smart Sensor and Semiconductor Industry Chain Application Scenario Supply and Demand Matching Conference, the first domestic smart sensor industry Internet platform was unveiled.


5. The daily semiconductor news column launched by Kinghelm Electronics (www.kinghelm.net) and SlkorMicro Semiconductor has been online for half a month, attracting a large amount of traffic and attention by providing daily semiconductor news updates, bringing more attention and discussion to the industry.


6. Changan Automobile announced progress in cooperation with Huawei. Due diligence investigations in finance, law, business, and technology have been mostly completed. Further negotiations on key transaction terms are underway, with the expectation of finalizing the transaction documents by August 31st this year.


7. BYD announced on May 7th that it will launch a new electric pickup truck, the BYD SHARK, on May 14th, and hold its global debut in Mexico. This marks the first release of an electric pickup truck by the company.



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