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Guangdong Spring Festival: Hometown Affection, Culinary Feast, and Traditional Celebrations

Release date:2024-03-19Author source:KinghelmViews:366

Author Profile:.

Name: Sun Wenli

Position: SEO Promotion of Kinghelm 

Hometown: Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province,China

Vision of Struggle: Stick to your own choices, pursue the ideals in your heart, and achieve a wonderful life.



Chinese New Year, one of the most important traditional festivals in China, is endowed with unique charm in Guangdong due to its distinctive geographical location and profound historical and cultural heritage.


As soon as the twelfth lunar month arrives, the festive atmosphere in Guangdong begins to intensify. The bustling streets and markets are filled with various New Year goods such as wax sausages, cured meats, and rice cakes, as people busily prepare for the upcoming Spring Festival. Traditional performances like Cantonese opera, lion dances, and loong dances can be seen everywhere, creating a rich festive ambiance.


In Guangdong, returning home is one of the most joyous moments during the Spring Festival, providing a precious opportunity for family members to communicate, share joy, and warmth with each other. The tradition of returning home is not only about reuniting with family but also about ensuring their safety, showing respect, and expressing filial piety.




The Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, known as the reunion dinner, is the most grand and lively meal for people in Guangdong during the Spring Festival. At this time, family members gather around a table filled with delicious delicacies to share and enjoy together. The dining table is adorned with a variety of sumptuous dishes, including traditional Cantonese cuisine, hometown specialties, and other gourmet delights. Traditional Cantonese dishes such as BBQ pork, oyster sauce beef, and poached chicken are exquisitely flavorful and visually appealing, adding a rich Guangdong flavor to the reunion dinner. Particularly, the poached chicken, made with tender chicken and skillful cooking techniques, has a delicate and smooth texture, especially delightful when paired with ginger and scallion sauce.


Additionally, there are crispy-skinned and tender roasted goose, fresh and tender steamed fish, savory braised soups, and a variety of rich-textured pastries and desserts that grace the festive dining tables of the people in Guangdong. Apart from the reunion dinner, Guangdong people also enjoy making various special snacks during the Spring Festival, each imbued with auspicious meanings: for example, rice cakes symbolize continuous prosperity, while glutinous rice balls represent family reunion and sweet happiness. Peanut brittle, wax sausages, cured meats, and other specialty foods are also essential. These gastronomic delights not only cater to people's taste buds but also carry forward the unique flavors and culinary culture of Guangdong.



The Reunion Dinner for the Chinese New Year


During the Spring Festival, people in Guangdong also hold a series of traditional activities and folk performances. Among them, the lion and loong dances are the most representative traditional folk activities. Originating from ancient Chinese loong and lion culture, with a history of over two thousand years, these dances are considered a form of exorcism, blessing, and celebration. People dress up as loongs and lions, parading through the streets and alleys with song and dance, creating a festive and harmonious atmosphere for everyone. Additionally, Guangdong people enjoy setting off firecrackers, watching lantern displays, and admiring festive lanterns, showcasing their optimistic and positive attitude towards life and their hopeful expectations for the future.


Apart from traditional activities, blessing rituals during the Spring Festival are also essential. People visit temples (such as the famous Buddhist temples in Guangdong like the Nanhai Guanyin Temple and Qinghui Garden), perform worship and incense-burning ceremonies to express their sincere gratitude and prayers for peace, health, and good fortune in the coming year.


Strolling through flower markets is a unique way for people in Guangdong to welcome the new year and an important way to showcase Guangdong's unique culture and folk customs. In the flower markets, one can see a variety of New Year flowers, plants, and special botanicals, creating a vibrant and prosperous scene. By strolling through the flower markets, selecting and purchasing favorite flowers and plants, people not only immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere but also receive the auspicious blessings of prosperity and good fortune conveyed by these flowers and plants.



The Lion Dances Joyfully into the New Year


In conclusion, the customs of celebrating the Spring Festival among the people of Guangdong not only reflect their love for family, food, and traditional culture but also reveal their yearning for happiness and a better life. It further demonstrates their positive attitude towards inheriting the millennia-old Cantonese culture and promoting the traditional Chinese culture. With a long and rich cultural heritage, celebrating the Spring Festival in Guangdong is truly a wonderful experience!


About Kinghelm:

Kinghelm, under the leadership of Mr. Song Shiqiang, is a high-tech enterprise and a member of the China Satellite Navigation Association, the China Information Industry Chamber of Commerce, and the Guangdong Connector Association. Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net) focuses on the technical research, product design, manufacturing, and sales of Beidou BDS/GPS microwave RF signal transceivers, miniature electronic connector receptacles, and signal interconnection system products. Upholding a philosophy of continuous innovation, Kinghelm believes that only through conceptual innovation, technological innovation, product innovation, and business model innovation can they achieve the success they have today!


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