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Golden beacon is honored to be invested by the leaders of Tsinghua department

Release date:2021-12-26Author source:KinghelmViews:1053

latelyThe topic of "China core" is very hot, and the actions of investors in Tsinghua department in the electronic circle are more popular. According to reliable information, a big man in Tsinghua electronics industry privately invested in Shenzhen Golden navigation mark Electronics Co., Ltd.

Mr. Song Shiqiang, who is at the helm of golden beacon, is unwilling to talk about investment. I just said that I hope to take this opportunity to bring the golden beacon company andkinghelm”Good brand management, good products and good customer service! What are the ways of song Shiqiang and his golden beacon at the helm?General manager Song said that the golden navigation mark warship he built has mainly made stupid efforts in these aspects for several years, that is, strategy, team, products, brands, channels, customers and so on.

Strategy, golden beacon firmly aims at the automotive electronics market. The Beidou navigation module and vehicle IOT series antenna developed and produced are facing the largest market in the world(two thousand and seventeenChina's automobile production and sales intwo thousand and nine hundredMillion vehicles, ranking first in the world) and the rapid growth in the next 20 years, this track is no problem. Moreover, the introduction of the automobile industry takes a long time and has high product requirements, which can also promote the improvement of the company's new product R & D ability and product quality, and improve the core competitiveness of the company.

Team, golden beacon believes that professional talents can do a good job, with clear division of labor and smooth cooperation. All the backbones of the team used to come from large companies in the same industry and get together for common goals. Mr. Liu Qianhong, deputy general manager, has nearly 20 years of working experience and comes from Jiabang, a leading enterprise in Taiwan(INPAQ); Mr. He Xin, director of software information department, doctor of Tianjin University and associate professor of Beijing Institute of petrochemical technology/Master guide, beSCIEISSCIRetrieval of collected paperstenMultiple articles, perfect combination of strength and practice; Kangfei, director of hardware technology, has been engaged in RF and microwave industry for more than 20 years,NOKIAAnd other companies as technical executives; Chen Hui, director of supply chain, has ten years of experience in the industry, and has held the same position in industry leaders Huabao and Zhongdou. The salesperson has created a fighting Iron Army by vigorously cultivating internally and hiring industry elites externally. Golden navigation mark implements the full shareholding system, which allows each colleague to link their work results with their own future, and binds everyone's struggle with a bright and predictable future. Those who share the same desire win. That's what Sun Tzu said in the art of war. That's what we do."The gains are ours, and the losses are mine," Lao Song said to a senior person in the microelectronics industry of Tsinghua University who came for an interview. We hope that more passionate and dreamy talents will join our team.

kinghelm”The brand is to escort the products of golden navigation mark, and it is also the appeal of excellent quality and excellent service of golden navigation mark products. Where is the golden beacontwo thousand and fourteenRegistered inkinghelm”Trademark and golden navigation mark people like to call themselves "Kingway company", that is, they use excellent quality and high-quality service to provide customer value and make the company's foundation invincible. It also makes the products of golden navigation mark have strong recognition, trust and reputation in the industry. Within the company, non-standard products such as antennas are subject to standardized management, R & D and productionkhSeries products are highly praised by customers! Golden beacon's powerful propaganda offensive and network are alsokinghelm”Strong guarantee for brand communication.

Channel sales is the lowest cost and most efficient sales model. In addition to the company's controllable and strong sales team, golden beacon also adopts the model of developing agents, supports agents with leading technology, high-quality service and high-end brand coverage, and makes docking and transformation with the existing advantageous channels of agents, with very obvious results. For example, the agent Xiamen Dongyi Electronics Co., Ltd. helped jinhangbiao sell its products to Xiamen Caimao communication, Shenzhen ruicai electronics introduced the antenna of jinhangbiao into CRRC system, and Chengdu Yixin technology based the Beidou intelligent hardware and jinhangbiao of jinhangbiao on Oracle(ORACLE)The logistics informatization real-time settlement system developed by the software system has entered Changhong Group, which is the credit of the agent. Song Shiqiang said that with more products developed by golden navigation mark company, the development, guidance and support of agents should be strengthened, and everyone should cooperate and win-win.

"Good products are made by grinding", which is the concept of jinhangbiao's product trust. Each product is carefully crafted and verified by many parties. Pay attention to every detail and be sure to stand the test of time. For example, it is developed by Huayang generalfourcloseoneShark fin antenna, together with the technicians of Huayang GM and vehicle factory, was finally finalized after many times of research and repeated modification. R & D and production for Nanjing Jinlong bus4GcommunicationT-BOXBeidou, R & D and production for heavy truck/GPSDual mode navigation module, Beidou/GPSAntennas and so on have gone through the same process. Because the product quality was excellent and the customer responded well, the customer also helped us introduce the customer.

Good service to customers and users has always been the core competitiveness of golden beacon. In addition to requiring rapid response to customers' opinions and suggestions and feedback to form a closed loop, I hope to always think one step more than customers from the standpoint of customers. Golden beacon should not only serve direct customers, but also indirect customers such as agentsBetter service, regulationsWe must pay regular or irregular return visits, strive to provide services without dead corners, and let the voice of customer complaints become the accompaniment of our progress.

Golden beacon strives to be simple, pragmatic and efficient in its internal management process! Make great efforts in staff training and training. Although the company is still small, it also makes great efforts in the intersection of knowledge engineering and technology accumulation, so as to precipitate the stable and long-term development of the automotive electronics industry! In order to ensure the certainty of the company's strategic direction and have stronger stickiness and channel synergy with automobile manufacturers, jinhangbiao also took a stake in Sacco microelectronics, South Korea(SLKOR)Silicon carbide power devices developed and produced by the company(SiC  MOS/SIC MODEL)Users are also manufacturers of new energy vehicles. The development of the two companies together will form a strong joint force.

The mysterious boss revealed that his investment this time is to value Lao song, which is his investment experience accumulated over the years. In recent years, we have not only seen the rapid progress of golden beacon company, but also because they have always focused on Beidou navigation, focused on professionalism, strategic perseverance and the will to overcome all difficulties and reach the goal. Song is like a day every morning for yearseightI showed up in the office with my colleagues at half past ten. I was very serious and dedicated and could gather people. It not only gathers many high-end talents in the industry, but also develops with a large group of like-minded entrepreneurs! The company's office environment has always been clean and tidy, and even the bathroom is clean and tidy, which also reflects the management details of golden navigation mark. So I'm optimistic about the future of golden beacon company, the boss said finally.

Shenzhen jinhangbiao Electronics Co., Ltd(www.kinghelm. cn)Founded intwo thousand and sevenRegistered capital inone thousandWan is a national high-tech and double soft certification enterprise. It originally obtained the national invention patent of Beidou industry and more than ten software copyrights. Main R & D and productionkinghelm”Brand series Beidou satellite navigation module, Internet of things antenna,T-BOXAnd other intelligent hardware and logistics informatization solutions. It is mainly used in satellite navigation, location services, Internet of things and smart city, new energy vehicles, logistics information settlement and other fields, mainly including:BDS/GPSSatellite navigation moduleBDS/GPSHigh precision positioning moduleBDS/GPSDual mode antennaGSMCommunication antennaBDS/GPS/GLONASSMeasurement and navigation antenna.

Golden beacon company has a doctor's degree from Tianjin University/associate professoroneMaster of Tsinghua University and Huazhong University of science and technologytwoMany people and senior engineers have many years of industry R & D and production experience. The company has built its own advanced laboratory, including Rhodes, GermanyCMW500Comprehensive measuring instrumenttwoTaiwan, Amway, Japan8820C 2Taiwan, Agilent8960 /5071Network analyzeroneTaiwan,SatimoSG24, wide screensix hundred and thirty-threeOne in each darkroom.

“kingkelm”At present, our products have been used in large quantities by large customers such as SINOTRUK, CRRC, Nanjing Jinlong, Huayang Group, Hangsheng group and Dechang motor.

Lao song next door, do you want to continue playing Beidou?

Author: xinsanban Wu Bo

Chen Taiming, chairman of Guoju, said,If you like milk, you have to buy a ranchHearing this, Lao song was not satisfied(Note: mainly dissatisfied with their financial resources),If you like milk, why buy a cow?


Therefore, wayward Chen Taiming took Guan Zhilin, while unconvinced Lao song was fooled to Huaqiangbei by a beautiful woman.

At that time, Lao song just climbed out of the reinforced concrete pile and the bedroom with complete color, smell and fragrance. Looking at the representative works such as Shenzhen CITIC Plaza and Huangpu Yayuan, the proud and charming ass had not been wiped clean. A beautiful girl said every bit,Brother song, Hua qiangbei has many beautiful landlords. If you start a company here, you will be like a duck to water.


Lao song is very good at dressing up and said to the beauty with a straight face,There should be more possibilities in life. You should do more than one thing in your life. In a limited life, you should live more than a lifetime.


In fact, the drooling old song had already secretly made a firm determination, and even his beautiful hair scattered in a crowd. In this way, the cowhide old song was brought to Huaqiangbei by beauty, and plunged into a strange and cold electronic circle.


In the cafe of Shanghai Hotel, Lao song was impolite, spitting and bragging to a group of Hua qiangbei's bosses (some beautiful landlady came). The special identity of senior executives of former real estate listed companies, with some yellow jokes and smuggled goods, is really a little fresh sense of sheets.


After Lao song's lecture, there was sparse applause. Old song Jingguang saw that the applause came from the beauties. The adrenaline rush was about to escape from prison. Old song quickly calmed down and listened to others seriously.


This is the first time that Lao song appeared in Huaqiangbei's circle,Lao song thought, I haven't mentioned my Tsinghua background. I'm afraid these people think I'm a liar, the man-made building collapsed. In the future, the landlady won't take me to play. Who can I find to get the goods?


In fact, the truth is that Lao song was forced into the electronic circle after being dug by a neighbor. The neighbor said that reselling components is very profitable and simple. You just need to invest some money and give him the rest. As a result, after two years, not only did not make money, but also the inventory was put outtwo hundredMore than ten thousand.


In his anger, Lao song fired his neighbor and decided to come in person. His thinking logic is that I can conquer even the most complex real estate industry. Can't I play with small components?


I didn't expect this anger, that is3-5Tuition for a house.People make money to buy a house, and Lao song sells a house to make money. If he is not careful, he will become the negative script and No. 1 hero of entrepreneurship and inspiration.

The small building listens to the spring rain all night, and the empty window looks at the autumn mountain all day. At first, Lao song was very casual. While saving the middle-aged women, he reselled components. Soon he found it difficult to go down this road. First of all, the old song dynasty did not accumulate resources in the field of devices in the Yuan Dynasty, and the upstream channel was blank, so he was not qualified to be a junior; We can only get goods from Huaqiangbei. Unexpectedly, there are too many fish and Dragons mixed up, and we often buy fake goods. Lack of industry experience, many junk customers, customers either owe money or disappear.


twoOver the years, in addition to continuing to sell houses, Lao song's speed and passion walls were covered with spider webs.


What should I do? He was not in the mood to tease the wind, flowers and snow moon. At this time, Lao song sank down instead. He remembered Feng Tang's words:I can burn you without my lower body!A bold idea came into my mind. I want to be an original factory and stand at the top of the food chain. Only in this way can I get rid of these troubles!


Lao Song said, it's all a trip anyway. I'm shameless and desperate now. Only in this way can I have fun! It's right to keep the industry in awe,But there must be bold people to pierce the window paper and sneak in. At least I want to rob!


Lao song plans to start with the Beidou navigation module he has cultivated, develop alternative products, and make the Internet of things antenna in the automotive industry. The company's strategy is to concentrate advantageous resources, make breakthroughs around the automobile industry with huge growth space, and then penetrate into other fields.


Finally, the strategic vision and high pattern experienced by Lao song in large companies played incisively and vividly. However, if you want to turn over and become an original factory, you can't just rely on yourself as a bare rod commander and two knives. One hero and three gangs, so Lao song turned his eyes to the outstanding talents in the Beidou industry.


As a result, they heard that Lao song and greasy middle-aged men next door were unwilling to add even wechat friends. Lao song began a circuitous battle. He invited several big men to lobby repeatedly, and finally blocked the man in the toilet. Then Sheng pulled him to the dinner party and won the Beidou expert Liu Qianhong with his three inch tongue.


With the green grass, the earth becomes very coquettish.Old song Shunteng touched the melon, followed by Kang Fei, Chen Hui, Xu da'en and other talents, who were successively invited into the urn, and the Beidou industry suddenly became restless.


This time, Lao song sold a big house; Moreover, Lao song moved away from the noisy Huaqiangbei and ambushed in an industrial zone in Longhua. He was no longer committed to saving the fallen women and completely calmed his hormones.


Lao song's wife unexpectedly chose firm support, because she knew her husband began to be serious.In life, you can see colorful and flirting faces, but it is difficult to see bright and serious eyes.Now, the hidden dragon is coming out of the abyss.


The automotive field is the most shameful sphere of influence of Tsinghua people, and it is also a battlefield familiar to Lao song and the team. Looking around, the colored flags fluttered. Lao song finally found the feeling of having sex in those years. Isn't the colored flag in front of him the most familiar bedspread? I'm going to roll the rest of my life in this fertile and shy black land!


Lao song and his team began to develop products and test the market; At the same time, Lao song intensified the commotion, jumped up and down, and frequently became active in Tsinghua automotive electronics circle, looking for alumni resource layout, technical cooperation and market development. In addition, learn from the original sales model and borrow the strength of profit agents to develop a wider range of customer resources.


After two years, with the assistance of the agent and the efforts of the team,BeidouGPSNavigation modules and IOT antenna products have successively entered CRRC system, Nanjing Jinlong, Huizhou Huayang, Changhong Group, Caimao communication and other well-known enterprises.In the field of Beidou, the company's brand is rising gradually, and the adolescence of Lao song killed a comeback!


Good things come in pairs, and a Tsinghua alumni who makes investment has found the door. As soon as he opened his mouth, he said, younger martial brother song, it's very popular in our Tsinghua automotive electronics circle recently. All the alumni have been harassed by you, the old song next door. Is this to make Nezha into the sea?


Old song yiben said faithfully that people engaged in construction work solidly. Now they eat across borders. Everyone thinks I'm still reliable and is willing to give me a chance,I also want to seize the opportunity to live an open world.


As soon as the alumni took a pat on the thigh, to tell you the truth, I have observed you for a long time. As soon as I met today, I felt very congenial. Moreover, your team is very matched, the strategy is very clear, and the direction is very clear. I want to invest in you!!


As soon as Lao song heard it, the softest place in his heart melted in an instant.The happiness of a middle-aged greasy man lies not in wealth and fame, but in staying through one long night after another, walking through one intersection after another, and finally meeting another understanding soul at a certain moment in his life; Some people are willing to send carbon in the snow, that is true love, we must not live up to it!


The next day, the investment guru of Tsinghua Department quietly made a payment, and then left a wechat for Lao song. The payment has been made, please check it!


In addition to thanking him, Lao song had a leisurely heart. There's a saying,God closes a door for you, and you'll be fine if you catch a cold.After receiving the money, Lao song felt that he had recovered from his cold!

Speaking of this, many people wonder, what's the name of this company? Is Lao song the lecherous old song next door? Who is the big investor of Tsinghua department? How much did you invest?


I can only tell you secretly,This company is called Shenzhen Golden navigation mark Electronics Co., Ltd. the real name of old song is song Shiqiang.As for who is the major investor of Tsinghua department and how much money he invested, because Lao song didn't give me any money or pay for the manuscript, I can only regret to tell you that there is no comment!


However, Lao song finally left a sentence,The task of saving the fallen young women is always in my mind. I never need to think of it and will never forget it! At this moment, I finally remembered his surname song and nickname timely rain!


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