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Golden beacon kinghelm employee benefits are coming! Attend the training course of high EQ communication for free

Release date:2021-12-26Author source:KinghelmViews:1010

Shenzhen Golden navigation mark Electronics Co., Ltd. has always been based on the entrepreneurial idea of "training talents as the foundation". Song Shiqiang, general manager of golden navigation mark, won the course training of high EQ communication - knocking when a challenge for new employees of golden navigation mark from April 17 to 18. This course was held in North Hotel, Huaqiang North, Shenzhen.    



The course "high EQ communication -- knocking when a challenge comes" is a set of authorized courses with international copyright. It is taught by Tutor Lu Chunshui authorized by Robert diltz, executive director of NLP (neurolanguage programming) University in the United States. Robert diltz grew up in Silicon Valley and has served as a business consultant for apple, BMW, Google, IBM and other Fortune 500 companies for many years.

Mr. Lu Chunshui is an international PTT vocational trainer, an international NLP senior executive, and an international endless senior hypnotist. With the wisdom of applied psychology, he awakens everyone's enthusiasm for work and life and responds to various communication challenges.



What does the course explore to create these challenges? How do we deal with it?

Challenges we encounter every day at work:


1. If there is no performance?

2. Delivery or delivery?

3. Customer complaints?

4. The impact of uncertain factors such as price rise and delivery date?

5. Poor communication among colleagues, opposition and conflict between departments, etc.

There are also challenges in family life:

1. The child is not obedient and the test score is not ideal;

2. Emotional communication between husband and wife;

3. Interpersonal conflicts and contradictions.

Mr. Lu Chunshui asked the employees of kinghelm (www.bds666. Com) to learn to be aware of their own thoughts. Every thought and idea will affect the final result of our work and speech. Many troubles are created by their own thoughts. Learning to capture and change their thoughts can change the mood and state of kinghelm employees.

In what state to face the challenge?

The problem itself is not a problem. How do we deal with the problem? If something goes wrong, when a challenge or crisis comes, what kind of state we take determines the final result. If we embrace the challenge in the most outstanding state, we will get positive results. If we face the challenge in a negative collapse state, we will finally get negative results.



This course of "high EQ communication -- knocking at the door when a challenge comes" made kinghelm (www.bds666. Com) realize that when a challenge comes, many people will conditionally enter the state of collapse and be at a loss. Through this study, the students of golden beacon can quickly pull their bad state to the line and face it easily with the most excellent state.

Mr. Song Shiqiang, the general manager, said that the golden beacon is an enterprise of Huaqiangbei and has the heart knot of Huaqiangbei. Always cherish Huaqiangbei, be grateful to Huaqiangbei, publicize Huaqiangbei, and have the opportunity to feed Huaqiangbei back. Golden beacon will organize and participate in the training activities in Huaqiangbei.

Huaqiangbei is a large market with the largest trading volume of electronic components and the most complete hardware support in the world, which is the epitome of China's consumer market. Kinghelm is an enterprise of Huaqiangbei, with a strong plot of "Huaqiangbei". We have always cherished Huaqiangbei, thanked Huaqiangbei, publicized Huaqiangbei, and nurtured Huaqiangbei when we have the opportunity. Here, we hope that you will have time to go to Huaqiangbei, see its electronic components and the latest fashion electrical products, the bustling flow of people and shuttle logistics, the diligence and fighting spirit of Huaqiangbei people, the ecology of Huaqiangbei and the changes with the times, and you will be full of confidence in China's vast market and consumption potential!



Learn to jump out of problems, focus on your goals, and remind yourself when there are problems. What do I want? What is my goal?

More than 80% of the poor communication is caused by misunderstanding, which is caused by subjective speculation or cognitive distortion of the human brain. Therefore, it is necessary to always confirm the truth of the matter? Our negative emotions are caused by ourselves, because we regard our thoughts as truth.


This training made all employees of golden navigation mark company clearly understand that when problems arise, most of us are used to being self-centered in the face of problems;



Through this training, kinghelm employees clearly realize what kind of attitude they need to face and solve problems; How to look at the problem after the problem is solved? How to avoid similar problems again; At the same time, it also reflects the concept of "talent introduction - talent out" put forward by "Song Shiqiang", general manager of kingholm;


Kingholm has a strong R & D force, with a team of 2 doctors, 4 masters and more than 10 engineering and technical personnel. It originally obtained a number of Beidou invention patents and software copyrights, which is unique in the industry.Kingholm has paid attention to the training of employees for many years; So as to promote the in-depth cooperation between kinghelm and many institutions / enterprises, such as Tsinghua University, aerospace science and industry group, etc.


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