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Maintain Original Intention And Forge Ahead

Release date:2023-11-07Author source:Zeng QingrongViews:1104

Name: Zeng Qingrong

Position: Sales Manager

Hometown: Wuhua, Meizhou

Struggle Vision : Love life, work hard, and contribute to the successful IPO of Kinghelm





The spacious gate of the Kinghelm


Kinghelm is a technology-driven company that is committed to excellence. We adhere to the corporate culture of "Integrity,Progress,Tenacity,Detail". As a member of the company, I deeply understand that only by embodying this cultural philosophy can we achieve success in our sales work.


Ⅰ. Communication Forges Success - Progress

The longer I work, the more I realize that communication is a challenging aspect of professional life. Understanding what role individuals should play in the workplace and how to deal with communication difficulties is an art in itself. With a broadened understanding and increased experience, we can better appreciate different perspectives, handle misunderstandings, and approach communication challenges with a positive attitude. Different professional backgrounds, positions, and upbringing result in diverse knowledge, comprehension, and thinking patterns. Achieving consensus with individuals from different backgrounds can be very difficult. The root of this difficulty lies in the differences in knowledge and thinking patterns formed from diverse experiences, which ultimately leads to significant communication costs. Therefore, it is important for us to identify potential communication issues early on and resolve them promptly and effectively. Besides possessing extensive professional knowledge, we should also understand relevant policies, laws, social knowledge, and psychological knowledge to prevent conflicts from escalating. Efforts should be made to transform negative factors into positive ones, promote the improvement of relationships among all parties involved. Timely and objective discussions should be conducted for every dispute, analyzing both objective and subjective factors, summarizing lessons learned, correcting weaknesses, and preventing recurrence.

In interpersonal relationships, 80% of conflicts stem from poor communication. The golden rule of communication is to treat others as you would like to be treated. The platinum rule is to treat others as they wish to be treated. In conclusion, we must recognize that communication is not innate but a learnable and improvable skill. Only by acknowledging this can we truly elevate our growth to a higher level.



Kinghelm Corporate Culture - Progress


Ⅱ.Timely Assistance - Integrity

When it comes to seeking help in business matters, many of us immediately think of our colleague, Vice President Cheng. With her straightforward personality, exceptional skills, and a compassionate heart, she is the first choice when we need assistance. I have sought her guidance and advice multiple times and have learned a lot from her. As a member of Kinghelm, I hope to extend my support to my colleagues by helping them address any challenges or difficulties they face, whether personal or professional. Being there for someone in times of need is something to be grateful for. When someone falls, extending a hand to lift them up would result in a thankful look. When someone faces challenges, extending a helping hand can make all the difference.

This is also the attitude we should apply when dealing with customers. By using our professional knowledge, we can alleviate their confusion and address their concerns, while even small gestures can help our colleagues overcome their obstacles in life and work. The most joyous thing in this world is to receive help from someone when we feel helpless.



Kinghelm Corporate Culture - Integrity


Ⅲ.Having a Sense of Crisis - Tenacity

Mencius said, "One is born with the sense of crisis and dies in comfort." This timeless adage underscores a profound truth - not only should we strive to improve ourselves, but we must also maintain a sense of crisis even after attaining success. As an employee, we must seek to develop our practical, managerial, scientific, teaching and other capabilities in a well-rounded manner. Otherwise, we may fall behind as new talents emerge, just like how the waves swallow the previous ones. We should cherish every opportunity to learn and lay a solid foundation for ourselves and our future companies. Life is a marathon, and the one who runs the fastest does not necessarily arrive at the finishing line first. Rather than focusing on short-term wins or losses, we should concentrate on making incremental progress and forging ourselves into better versions. Only by doing so can we brave the storms that lie ahead with confidence. Do your best in the present, and time will not let your efforts go to waste.



Kinghelm Corporate Culture - Tenacity


Ⅳ.Bringing Change through Small Actions - Detail

On a tombstone in Westminster Abbey, England, the following words are inscribed: "When I was young, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older, I realized I could not change the world, so I shortened my gaze and decided to change my country. In my twilight years, I discovered I could not even change my country, and my final wish was to change my family, but that too became impossible. Now, as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize that if I had started by changing myself, then perhaps I could have changed my family. With their help and encouragement, I might have done something for my country. And who knows? I might have even changed the world." In a speech at Shantou University, Li Ka-shing mentioned: "We often hope to change others, but do we know when to change ourselves?"

Helen Keller admonished us to live as if tomorrow we were to die. We are fortunate to have come into this world, to be children to our parents, classmates, friends, and colleagues. It is a gift from nature. We should love our families, ourselves, our friends, and everyone around us. Cherish every day of life, work diligently, be kind to others, and strive to make life more meaningful and regrets less abundant.



Kinghelm Corporate Culture - Detail


I hope to face challenges with composure, but I understand that I still cannot do so calmly. I still care about things that I shouldn't care about. Why can't I change my mindset and achieve peace of mind? This is the direction I will continue to strive for in the future - to maintain my original intention and forge ahead.


Mr. Sang Shiqiang, a commercial expert in Huaqiangbei


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