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Short video interview with Song shiqiang featuring Brother Guang (Part II)

Release date:2024-01-11Author source:KinghelmViews:411

Recently, Mr. Song Shiqiang, the General Manager of Slkor, was interviewed by "Huaxuan Yang A Guang Brother" short video festival. In a question-and-answer format, he reviewed the journey of cross-border investment in the electronics industry and looked forward to a bright future. Under the leadership of Mr. Song Shiqiang, SlkorMicro (www.slkoric.com) and Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net) have achieved continuous 100% growth in recent years, attracting wide attention from peers. A Guang Brother, whose real name is Lai Zhuguang, is the General Manager of Shenzhen Huaxuan Yang Electronics Co., Ltd. He is a young entrepreneur who has worked hard in Huaqiangbei. His planned short video series, "Talking with 100 Electronics Industry Bosses," has been widely popular in the Huaqiangbei electronics community! Huaxuan Yang Electronics specializes in providing high-performance power device solutions for customers in the fields of digital products, 5G communication, consumer electronics, new energy vehicles, and medical equipment. The product range includes MOSFETs, ESD devices, LDOs, diodes, transistors, IGBTs, and power management chips, among others. Silicon carbide MOSFETs and diodes, known for their excellent performance and reliability, are suitable for high-demand applications in multiple fields.



In the process of accepting interviews


Interviewer Brother Guang : You have the grand goal of taking SlkorMicro public, but there must be a challenging process. What makes you think you can achieve it?

Interviewee Song Shiqiang: We approach it as a scientifically planned and rational adventure. Firstly, in terms of this difficult market environment, our revenue has continuously grown by 100% for two consecutive years, not only for SlkorMicro but also for our other company, Kinghelm Electronics. These results are due to the accumulation of several years' efforts from our hundreds of employees and our meticulous work at every stage, surpassing our peers. We have been benchmarking and learning from excellent companies and applying methodologies such as Huawei's "Five Views, Three Decisions" very effectively. We also employ mature theories and tactics, such as using Huawei's Van Fleet saturation attack strategy to penetrate the market. Applying these theories to our product development and marketing has led to the creation of multiple series of products, generating a lot of business for us. Furthermore, we have defined detailed paths to achieve our goals, including product iterations, human resource reserves, system support, and overall internet marketing. Under each of these major modules, we extract at least 20 value points for in-depth research and execute them rigorously. Among our peers, no company is more efficient or meticulous in their work than us.



Sales department at Kinghelm Electronics headquarters


Interviewer Brother Guang : From my observation and understanding, you are a system that excels in rapid execution. Are you not afraid of getting overwhelmed and missing opportunities?

Interviewee Song Shiqiang: The core competitiveness of a company's development lies in efficiency, including the efficiency of people, money, and information flow. Efficiency can reduce costs, control risks, and improve competitiveness to ensure growth.


Of course, cash flow management is also crucial for business operations, sometimes even more important than profit at certain stages. For example, more than a decade ago, when Civil Aviation of China was not yet flourishing, all airlines were operating at a loss. However, the reason why civil aviation companies survived was because they generated daily revenue from ticket sales. In the early stages of this industry's development, a significant amount of investment was required, and it was only through later operational income that these initial investments could be covered. At that time, the revenue from ticket sales might have only been enough to pay off the interest, but they managed to survive, and eventually, they made substantial profits. Therefore, we value this aspect greatly in our work. We process hundreds of orders every day, and our warehouse staff is always busy. Our cash flow is also very healthy.


In terms of logistics support, supply chain management, human resources, brand marketing, company operations, and technological modules' combination, as well as the iteration and serialization of new products, are all aspects we prioritize in the internal management and operations of Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net) and SlkorMicro (www.slkormicro.com).


Interviewer Brother Guang : Mr. Song, you used to be the CEO of a real estate listed company. What similarities do you see between the real estate and semiconductor industries?

Interviewee Song Shiqiang: The similarity lies in the fact that if you want to excel in anything, you must do your best. You need to become the best in the industry to enter excellent companies and connect with quality resources in order to earn more money.


Why is Kinghelm still able to develop rapidly this year? Firstly, I have a strong foundation. I used to work in excellent companies, starting as an ordinary technician and eventually becoming a CEO. When I first started working, I was at Vanke, and later I worked for multinational companies like Hutchison Whampoa. I used to be a professional manager, and now I am an investor-operator. The professional ethics and basic abilities forged during my previous experiences are still intact. Secondly, both the real estate and electronics industries are giant-scale industries. There are many opportunities here, but the competition is fierce. The ultimate winners of this competition are those who are outstanding and have sufficient endurance. Lastly, having accurate judgment in many aspects and a strong product lineup is crucial. A company is, in essence, an ecosystem, and every aspect of the ecosystem needs to be strong. The weakest point should not be too weak. Therefore, we maintain this balance. Kinghelm and SlkorMicro have been focusing on laying a solid foundation from 2015 to 2019. We invested tens of millions each year without making profits, but in reality, the company has deep roots in all aspects.



To Become the Leader of the Semiconductor Industry


Interviewer Brother Guang : Actually, you used to be just a dot and a line, but now you need to slowly form it into a whole, achieving a composite development.

Interviewee Song Shiqiang: That's right. Companies, like people, are complex organisms that require both managing people and managing the company. The internet is currently the most efficient tool. To give an analogy, the internet is an information network in a non-physical space, and it's also an ocean of information, with many business opportunities. We need to cast a fishing net on the internet to catch more fish. First, the size of the net should be large enough, second, the mesh of the net should be dense enough, and third, the tugboat dragging the net should be fast enough.


In practice, we follow this thinking to work. We collect the trademark words, product words, industry words, target users, and so on, of Kinghelm and SlkorMicro, increasing the number of placements every day to accumulate, making the net larger. We constantly optimize and improve keyword accuracy and conversion rates, making our fishing net mesh more and more dense. We streamline the company's business processes, constantly enrich the team's skills, and the team's boat runs faster and faster, and the company develops in a composite way!


If you don't master the new tool of the internet, and still use old tools and methods like yellow pages, telephone sales, cold calling, and giving kickbacks, you will be eliminated. However, there are many routines in internet marketing. As long as you study the underlying logic of internet marketing thoroughly, you can still succeed.


Interviewer Brother Guang : Many of our peers are still in the midst of adversity. Do you have any good suggestions for them?

Interviewee Song Shiqiang: You still need to manage your company's operations and do your work well. In the past few years, many people in Huaqiangbei Shenzhen made money, and everyone was very impetuous. Many internet celebrity companies have now collapsed, which is a pity. Huaqiangbei's business model is too simple, and it cannot control the supply chain nodes, has no brand influence, and lacks customer stickiness. Old colleagues who go out to start their own businesses should put themselves in the shoes of the boss and walk the path of the boss, otherwise they will enter into a new cycle of hardships, as is typical.


The semiconductor industry can be a lifelong career. A guang, you are much younger than me, and you can work for another 30 years. I suggest that your work and company development plan for the next 30 years. Our Kinghelm and SlkorMicro top-level design was done in 2015, looking ahead 30 years, we can completely build a world-competitive semiconductor company. Our company's slogan is "To Become the Leader of the Semiconductor Industry." We are making domestic semiconductor brands, selling products with the "slkor" brand logo to foreign countries every day, which is something to be proud of.


It's difficult in the early stage, such as our internationalization team. We have formed a team of more than 20 people for more than a year now, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising every month, which is also very frightening. In the past, we invested in technology reserves and product development, but now we invest in brand, channel, and overseas markets. We recently spent the cost of a Porsche Cayenne car on soft advertising in the overseas market, hoping to bring benefits continuously in the future.




Interviewer Brother Guang : So we still need to continue investing, be friends with time, and let time accompany us in slowly becoming rich and strong!

Interviewee Song Shiqiang: Yes, the company needs to have deep roots in order to thrive and have a long-lasting foundation.


Introduction of Mr. Song Shiqiang 

Mr. Song Shiqiang is the General Manager of both SlkorMicro Semiconductor and Kinghelm Electronics, two high-tech companies. He is also an expert of the China Electronics Engineering Society, a research specialist of Shenzhen Huaqiangbei, and a columnist for popular science articles. Starting as a grassroots technical staff, Mr. Song has served as a CEO of an international real estate listed company and has extensive experience in technical management and enterprise operation. Combining macroeconomic theory with practical business management, he has led the company to a rapid development!



Slkor Mr.Song (center) at the State Council's Center for Economic Development meeting


SlkorMicro Semiconductor and Kinghelm Electronics, invested by Mr. Song Shiqiang, are both headquartered in Shenzhen, China. They are national high-tech enterprises and have gradually expanded their market share, enjoying international recognition and reputation through their brands: "SLKOR" (www.slkoric.com) and "Kinghelm" (www.kinghelm.net) .


Shenzhen SlkorMicro Semicon Co., Ltd. focuses on the research and development of new materials, new processes, and new products. Its technical team consists of experts from Yonsei University in South Korea and Tsinghua University in China, with expertise in the internationally leading silicon carbide MOSFET technology. SlkorMicro Semiconductor has evolved from a FABLESS design company to an integrated company that encompasses design and development, manufacturing, product sales, and technical services. It serves over 15,000 customers worldwide, including BMW, Volkswagen, Huawei, Amazon, Xiaomi, and DJI.


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