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Great Love -- Kinghelm

Release date:2024-03-19Author source:KinghelmViews:333

Author Profile:

Name: Zhou Zhaoquan

Position: Director of the Second Division, Marketing Department of Kinghelm

Hometown: Hunan Province,China

Vision of Struggle: To stand at the peak and overlook all mountains. Brave in rock climbing, unafraid of difficulties; pursuing excellence and never-ending; I am the leader, who else but me; never stop until reaching the goal, I will prevail in this world!




Time flies, and with the passing of the years, Shenzhen Kinghelm Electronics Co., Ltd. has proudly journeyed through a remarkable 17 years. Now, it has become a well-known leader in the RF industry, renowned both domestically and internationally, brimming with accolades and glory. The company has developed over 5,000 types of comprehensive antenna products and connectors, achieving a consecutive annual growth in revenue of over 100% for the past two years and serving more than 15,000 customers worldwide. If we were to string together the changes, achievements, and progress made by Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net) over the past five years, the result would undoubtedly sparkle and shine like a radiant and colorful pearl.




As a member of the Kinghelm family, I am extremely honored. Starting from being a novice in the industry to mastering product knowledge and confidently handling various customer issues, I embarked on an extraordinary journey in life. In the words of Mr. Song Shiqiang, the general manager of Kinghelm, it is "A great vessel will be long in completion". All of this is attributed to the continuous improvement and refinement provided by Kinghelm, allowing me to continue working while constantly absorbing new knowledge, learning, and progressing, making my life incredibly fulfilling.


At Kinghelm, everyone has their own responsibilities and fulfills them faithfully, like screws holding firm in their positions. As one of them, my daily mood is filled with excitement because I learn a lot of work experience and practical wisdom at the company while working with colleagues. Therefore, with a grateful and excited heart, I am willing to contribute my knowledge and strength to this thriving company and team, and do my best to help every colleague.


My greatest feeling along the way is the tremendous power of the ideal blueprint carried by Kinghelm, constantly releasing tenacious vitality, resilience, and innovative power, derived from the enterprise culture of "integrity, progress, tenacity and detail". It also demonstrates the vitality and motivation sparked by new and old employees taking over the baton, as well as the forward-looking vision and positioning shared with the country and the industry. Recognizing the endless driving force of Kinghelm, I constantly reflect, introspect, and continuously learn and reform, striving to meet the high standards and strict requirements of Kinghelm's personnel. Currently, I feel great.



Kinghelm RJ45 Network Socket Series Products



Kinghelm's pop-up products at Lichuang Mall

At work, I gradually realized the truth of "serving customers", which is exactly what the corporate culture of Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net) - "integrity, progress, tenacity and detail" - inspired me and gave me direction: Adhering to principles is not only a self-demand for dedication to the job, but also a guideline that needs to be followed in serving customers, because only by maintaining professional ethics can we protect the rights of customers from being infringed upon; Refining is not only a strict requirement for ourselves, but also a pursuit of excellence in products, because customer satisfaction is the only standard to test the quality of products and services; Attention to detail runs through the entire process of serving customers, requiring meticulous attention and care; Perseverance is the motivation for us to use a strong and inclusive heart to accept and face the diverse and personalized problems of customers, ensuring that every issue is addressed and implemented.


"As heaven maintains vigor through movements, a gentle man should constantly strive for self-perfection." The cornerstone of work is continuous learning, summarizing, and improving, and the result of work is continuous effort, practice, and innovation. The deep expertise and the ability to handle situations flexibly are the results of our constant self-improvement. Finally, I sincerely thank Kinghelm and Mr. Song for giving us the opportunity to grow and learn through work. With great love for Kinghelm, I firmly believe that under the leadership of Mr. Song Shiqiang, the general manager of Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net), in the year of the Dragon 2024, we, the people of Kinghelm, will surely show the spirit of the dragon and achieve new successes!


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+86 0755-83975897

Wifi antenna

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