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Grips the Helm, Become the King - Kinghelm Internship Journey

Release date:2024-08-12Author source:Yiyang XuViews:438


Me -- Kinghelm Summer Intern Yiyang Xu

Summer vacation came and went, I embarked on an internship like most college students, and I ultimately chose Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.com.cn) as my first step among many companies.  I had spent a fulfilling 6 years studying in the UK, majoring in  Psychology at the University of Birmingham. My study and life experience in the UK has broadened my vision and enriched my knowledge base, but deep down I always carry the fondness for my motherland and the expectation for my future career development. "The dew is white tonight and the moon is bright in my hometown." Now that I have returned home after my studies, I am standing on a new starting point and looking forward to the future with passion. I have locked my career goal in the marketing and promotion department, and the recruitment information of marketing and promotion summer job of Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net) is just like tailor-made for me, which makes me more eager to ride the waves with my professional boat in such a field full of challenges and opportunities to contribute to the development of the enterprise, and at the same time, sail to the other side of the shore of self-worth.


The main door of Kinghelm / Slkor's headquarter office in Bantian, Shenzhen.

Shenzhen Kinghelm Electronics Co.,Ltd (www.kinghelm.com.cn) is a leader in the industry, its outstanding reputation and extensive influence is remarkable. The founder, Mr. Shiqiang Song's perseverance and courage in starting a business with nothing is something that I admire, and his entrepreneurial spirit is like a bright star that illuminates my way forward. I believe that I can learn advanced marketing strategies and management experience here, which will accumulate valuable assets for my future career development.


The relaxing office environment of Kinghelm and Slkor

The moment I stepped into Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net), I was deeply attracted by the unique atmosphere here - friendly and enthusiastic colleagues, relaxed but not losing the rigorous work atmosphere, so that I quickly integrated into this big family. The wolf culture advocated by the company is not cruel competition, but unity and enterprising team spirit, just as the ancient saying goes, "When hearts are united, mountains move." We are full of fighting spirit in the work, in order to work together for the common goal, and work together. At the same time, the company implements a standardized management process, each link is rigorous and orderly, which not only improves work efficiency, but also ensures the quality of work. What is even more rare is that there is no overtime work or internal scrolling here, and employees are able to maintain a good work-life balance and fully enjoy their lives after work.



Mr. Shiqiang Song, General Manager of Kinghelm and Slkor

In the days of Kinghelm, I have the honor to get to know the boss, Mr. Shiqiang Song, who, as a visionary entrepreneur, is also a mentor and a good friend in the hearts of the staff. He has advanced innovative thinking and strategic planning ability, and often discusses with us the company's strategic level of thinking, so that we understand the far-reaching significance behind the company's various decisions on the way of development; he has won the respect and praise of the staff with his humanized management style, such as encouraging the interns to put forward suggestions and participate in the discussion many times, and no matter how big or small the problem is, he always has the questions answered, and he has all the answers; he pays attention to the teamwork, and often encourages us to communicate harmoniously and cooperate. He focuses on teamwork and often encourages us to communicate harmoniously and cooperate to win-win, just like "all hands on deck", he makes us understand that the power of team is infinite. In this way, under the leadership of General Manager Mr. Song, I not only learned advanced market strategies and management experience, but also broadened my horizons and gained insights through countless collisions of ideas.



European customers visited, intern Xu acted as an English interpreter

It is not easy to realize what you have learned on paper, but you have to practice what you have learned. During the internship period, I also had the honor to represent the company to conduct business negotiations with customers, this experience has made me deeply appreciate the challenges and opportunities in the workplace coexist, and the opportunities are all available, so I am very grateful to the company for giving me the opportunity to participate in the whole process of business cooperation negotiation, and also gave me a breakthrough opportunity, which makes me treasure every opportunity to learn and practice even more. The company's incentive policy is also commendable, I was honored to be named the Kinghelm / SlkorMicro "Star of the Week", this honor and love to make me greatly encouraged, but also stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff to work, but also inadvertently create a positive corporate culture.



Intern Xu (2nd from right) poses with a European client.


The years do not pass by, and the seasons flow like streams. Years of steady development efforts, years of unremitting pursuit of dreams, resulting in "Kinghelm, connecting the world". There is a free working environment and a broad development platform, which allows everyone to spread their wings and realize their dreams. In the continuous development of science and technology, market competition is becoming increasingly fierce today, the Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net) by virtue of its own strengths and advantages, will continue to maintain a leading position in the industry, and continue to expand new business areas, facing the wind and rain, smiling at the sea. Looking back on my internship experience at Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.com.cn), I have met excellent colleagues, learned valuable knowledge and skills, and experienced a rich workplace life. This internship experience will become an unforgettable memory in my life, and will inspire me to continue waving my passion in my future career, and sing loudly towards a new journey in this golden age full of hope.


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