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Redefine the enterprise PAAS platform, Kingdee cloud · sky v4 0 came out

Release date:2021-12-28Author source:KinghelmViews:830

"What Kingdee smashed was not the 'neck-stuck' hand, but the cage that imprisoned our thinking mode." On May 8, at the 2021 Kingdee Cloud Sky Summit, Kingdee Group Chairman and CEO Xu Shaochun and a group of government leaders, the central government Managers of state-owned enterprises and large-scale private enterprises smashed their hammers together and smashed their hands, which represented that the enterprises were "stuck" by the old IT concepts and platforms, and released the Kingdee Cloud · Sky PaaS platform v4.0. At the meeting, it was announced that the original Kingdee Cloud · Sky was officially split into PaaS and SaaS. The PaaS platform continued to use the Kingdee Cloud· Sky brand, and the separated SaaS application became a new brand "Kingdee Cloud · Xinghan". Wang Jianwei, Deputy Director of the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Yang Xueshan, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Song Zhiping, President of the Association of Listed Companies, Wang An, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of China International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., and Ding Liguo, Chairman of Delong Steel, Tao Jingwen, director of Huawei, and Professor Chen Chunhua, a well-known management scientist, participated in and attended the summit.

Platform wins, every enterprise is becoming a software company

The sudden change in the international situation, the drastic changes in the industry, and the drastic changes in consumption have triggered drastic changes in management and forced the high-frequency iteration of enterprise capabilities. Traditional IT models and platforms are no longer sufficient to support enterprise innovation and development under high uncertainty.

Kingdee believes that now is an era of platform success. With the help of digital platforms, enterprises are transforming into dual roles of users and custom developers, and every enterprise is becoming a software company. Therefore, a high-performance enterprise-level PaaS platform is imminent. The launch of the Sky PaaS platform has made Kingdee the software company behind the software company.

A true enterprise-level PaaS platform must be business-oriented

As early as 2000, Kingdee began to pay attention to platform capabilities. In order to efficiently complete tens of thousands of development expansions every year, Kingdee extracts high-frequency and general enterprise business scenarios, encapsulates them into reusable functional modules, and uses metadata and model-driven development ideas to eventually form self-developed patents.” Kingdee Dynamic Domain Model (KDDM)". It is reported that Kingdee has invested nearly 5 billion in the research and development of enterprise-level platforms, and has obtained more than 110 patents, including 4 national patent awards, and more than 70 related software copyrights.

"Cloud native and low-code are the standard features of PaaS development platforms. The uniqueness of enterprise-level PaaS lies in model-driven and business precipitation, while the unique technology of Sky PaaS is the dynamic domain model," stressed Zhao Yanxi, Executive Vice President of Kingdee China, " A true enterprise-level PaaS platform must 'understand enterprise business', and IT is only auxiliary."

Breaking through the "stuck neck" problem, Kingdee wants to rebuild its confidence in Chinese software

Xu Shaochun said, "It's not the technology that really 'stucks the neck', but our mindset. What Kingdee wants to regain is not market share, but the confidence of Chinese companies in Chinese software."

Xu Shaochun

Kingdee is not only serving world-class companies, but also helping Chinese companies benchmark against world-class companies. Since its release in 2018, Kingdee Cloud· Sky has been tested by more than 400 large enterprises, and it can efficiently and smoothly expand or replace the old system of enterprises: a large multinational company shortened the original 2-month iteration cycle to 14 days; Conch Group Its Conch Profiles, through visual drag-and-drop design and rich enterprise-level templates, have opened up 12 subsystems to realize the whole process of production and sales; including Huawei, SPIC, Yunnan China Tobacco, CNPC International, Xiamen Taikoo and many other top 500 companies Enterprises have achieved digital transformation through Kingdee Cloud · Sky and Kingdee Cloud · Xinghan.

After this product and brand split, Kingdee Cloud's platform strategy has basically taken shape, showing that Kingdee Cloud · Sky PaaS platform is the common base. "One arrow with many stars" layout.

Fully open the platform ecology of the sky, and jointly promote the development of the SaaS industry

At the summit, Kingdee issued an open letter to software manufacturers at home and abroad, calling on its peers to embrace the transformation of enterprise software. Xu Shaochun believes that the essence of the success of the enterprise SaaS model is "customer success, ecological win-win". In the platform era, enterprises will no longer be limited to a single vendor or platform, but will pay more attention to the value and capabilities created by digital systems for business. Therefore, Kingdee is willing to open up nearly 30 years of technology and experience accumulation, provide enterprise-level PaaS platform technical standards for the entire industry, and open up the core technologies and ideas of dynamic domain models within this year, so that ecological developers have the ability to precipitate their own component models. In the next 5 years, it will provide 2 billion ecological investment funds, and build PaaS with enterprises, partners, and friends to build a mutual ecosystem.

signing ceremony

At the scene, Kingdee signed strategic contracts with government agencies such as China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Kylin Software, Feiteng, Dameng Database, SF Express, Sangfor, KPMG, intel and more than ten well-known domestic and foreign enterprise-level software and hardware manufacturers and consulting companies. Cooperation agreement, coexist and grow together on Kingdee Cloud· Sky, and join hands to win the large enterprise market. At the same time, it announced a strategic investment in RPA manufacturer Yisaiqi. After the strategic investment in Shulan Technology, Kingdee has further improved the data center and intelligent capabilities of the sky platform.

"Enterprises have awakened, can companies that provide management software pretend to be asleep again?" the host Jiang Changjian explained Kingdee's letter, "The reason why Kingdee wants to break these constraints is to establish a strong industry awareness of China's management software. We have reason to believe that Chinese software can make its own first-class contribution to the development of the world software industry.

"Kingdee is willing to open the technology and ideas of the past 30 years to all enterprises and developers. Kingdee Cloud · Sky PaaS will greatly enhance the digital resilience of enterprises and make Chinese enterprise management software rise globally!" said Xu Shaochun.

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