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20 years of Beidou, today's success! Changsany successfully launched the 55th Beidou satellite, and the global constellation has been deployed

Release date:2021-12-29Author source:KinghelmViews:670

   At 9:43 on June 23, China successfully launched the 55th Beidou navigation satellite with a long march 3B carrier rocket at Xichang Satellite Launch Center.  The satellite has successfully entered the predetermined orbit. In the follow-up, orbit change, on orbit test and test evaluation will be carried out, and services will be provided in due time.  With the successful entry of the 55th Beidou navigation satellite into orbit, China completed the deployment target of beidou-3 global satellite navigation system Constellation half a year ahead of schedule.
 The successful launch mission marks the full completion of the deployment of beidou-3 global constellation and the successful conclusion of the "three-step" strategic task of Beidou satellite navigation system.  This is not only an important symbol of China's transformation from a large Aerospace country to a powerful Aerospace country, but also the first major national project completed in the aerospace field during the 13th Five Year Plan period.

The beidou-3 system consists of 30 satellites, of which 24 operate in mid-circular earth orbit, 3 in geostationary orbit and 3 in inclined geosynchronous orbit.

The 55th Beidou navigation satellite launched this time was developed by the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and technology group. It is the third geostationary orbit (GEO) satellite of Beidou 3 and the 30th satellite of Beidou 3. Such satellites play a key role in satellite based enhancement, short message communication, precision single point positioning and other characteristic services.


 Chen Zhonggui, chief designer of beidou-3 satellite of the Fifth Academy of engineering, introduced that as the closing star of beidou-3 global networking construction,  The successful launch of this satellite also means that the key work of Beidou satellite navigation system will be transferred from engineering construction to maintaining stable operation and improving service level in the future.
 Beidou satellite navigation system is a global satellite navigation system independently built and operated by China focusing on the needs of national security and economic and social development. It is an important national space-time infrastructure that provides all-weather, all-time and high-precision positioning, navigation and timing services for users all over the world.
 China attaches great importance to the construction and development of Beidou system. Since the 1980s, China has explored the development path of satellite navigation system suitable for China's national conditions and formed a "three-step" development strategy: Beidou-1 system will be completed at the end of 2000 to provide services to China; At the end of 2012, beidou-2 system was built to provide services to the Asia Pacific region; By 2020, the beidou-3 system will be fully completed to provide services to the world.

 According to the plan, in 2035, China will build a more ubiquitous, integrated and intelligent integrated positioning, navigation and timing (pnt) system.  Beidou will serve the world and benefit mankind with stronger functions and better performance.  
 Since Beidou system provided services, it has been widely used in the fields of transportation, agriculture, forestry and fishery, hydrological monitoring, meteorological forecast, communication time series, power dispatching, disaster relief and reduction, public security and other fields. It has been integrated into the national core infrastructure and has produced remarkable economic and social benefits.
 According to statistics, the overall output value of China's satellite navigation and location service industry reached 345 billion yuan in 2019. The integrated development of Beidou with new technologies such as Internet, big data and artificial intelligence is building an emerging industrial ecological chain with Beidou space-time information as the main content, and is becoming a new engine and booster for the rapid development of Beidou industry, promoting the transformation of production and life style and the continuous innovation of business model.
 In the future, China Beidou will continue to promote the application and promotion at home and abroad, continuously deepen the continuous integration of high-precision services of satellite navigation with cloud computing, Internet of things and big data, accelerate the integration of satellite navigation with high-end manufacturing and software industry, promote the reform of production mode and development mode, and serve the development of national economy and social informatization.

 The long march 3B carrier rocket for this launch mission was developed by the first Academy of Aerospace Science and technology group.  Chang-3a series launch vehicles are composed of chang-3a, chang-3b and chang-3c large cryogenic liquid launch vehicles.  Since the launch of China's first Beidou navigation test satellite on October 31, 2000, the chang-3a series carrier rocket has carried out 44 Beidou satellite missions and successfully escorted 59 Beidou navigation satellites into the sky, with a success rate of 100%  , creating a Chinese miracle in the construction of the world's satellite navigation system.  Therefore, the long 3A series rockets are also known as the "exclusive train" of Beidou networking.

 No danger of anything going wrong, such as the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. The launch team has strictly implemented the epidemic prevention measures, optimized the process and strictly controlled the quality according to the strict, strict and detailed requirements proposed by the general engineering team. The two two success strategies have been achieved.
 This mission is the 336th flight of the long march series of launch vehicles.

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