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Review on the development of guidance technology in 2020

Release date:2021-12-28Author source:KinghelmViews:1187


Today's world is in a great change that has not been seen in a century. Driven by the integration and catalysis of military theoretical innovation and technological progress, the new military reform in the world has entered a critical stage of qualitative change. As the most important subsystem technology such as missiles, precision guidance technology is a strategic frontier technology that military powers are competing to develop. In 2020, precision guidance technology has made many breakthroughs, radio frequency and compound guidance have continued to develop, the maturity of distributed cooperative combat system has been further improved, intelligent precision guidance technology has been further developed, and the results of guidance technology of new systems such as quantum, microwave photons and underwater detection have accelerated the transformation, integration and penetration, forming a diversified, intelligent and distributed development trend of precision guidance technology.


Radio frequency, photoelectric and composite detection technologies continue to develop, and the United States vigorously develops the fields of radio frequency integration, integration and control technology

1.1. Continuously develop sensors based on new materials in the photoelectric and RF fields to effectively improve the detection ability

With the development and progress of electronics and materials science, photoelectric and RF guidance technology continues to expand to new materials, and the detection ability continues to improve.

In June 2020, electrical and computer engineers from the University of Virginia and the University of Texas at Austin developed an avalanche photodiode (APD) with record performance, which can effectively control 2 μ The dark current density of M-band high-sensitivity photodetectors and reducing signal noise are expected to bring revolutionary technology to the next generation of night vision imaging and lidar photodetectors.

In October 2020, the research team of the Institute of materials science of Kaunas University of Technology (ktu) developed a new infrared sensor based on graphene silicone Schottky contact. Multiple arrays of Schottky contact sensors can be developed on semiconductor plates (such as silicon plates), which has the advantages of simple manufacturing technology and fast switching speed, but low sensitivity. Researchers have improved the sensitivity of these sensors by manufacturing nanostructured metal plasma absorbers on graphene, and their efficiency is higher than that of infrared sensors on the market.

In November 2020, BAE Systems released Athena 1920, a new full HD thermal imaging camera movement. This infrared imaging sensor is equipped with 1920 & times; The 1200 pixel vanadium oxide (VOX) uncooled microbolometer array, with a frame rate of 60 Hz, has the function of motion blur and noise reduction in dynamic scenes. The imaging field of view is 8 times that of the movement of the traditional thermal imaging camera. With small size (51 mm & times; 40 mm & times; 21 mm) and light weight (70g), it can greatly improve the infrared imaging guidance and detection ability.

In July 2020, the British short-range combat air-to-air missile (asraam) was delivered to the Royal Air Force for service. The missile seeker adopts 128 & times; 128 element tellurium indium mercury staring focal plane infrared imaging seeker (Fig. 1), which is the first in the world. Focal plane array devices operate at 3 ~ 5 μ M-band, installed on the universal support, and the off-axis angle of the seeker is up to & plusmn; 90°, Moreover, the tracking angular velocity of its optical components is as high as 800 deg/ s。 The whole seeker is installed in the sapphire head cover. This material is not easy to peel and has good impact resistance. The seeker adopts mechanical Stirling cooler. This kind of cooler has no time limit in combat mission, and can make the seeker work continuously for a long time.

Fig. 1 indium mercury telluride staring focal plane infrared imaging seeker

In April 2020, the Swedish Saab group announced the successful test flight of gallium nitride airborne active phased array radar with a two seater Gripen fighter. The flight test lasted for 90 minutes. The radar on board successfully tested multiple random air targets and a series of ground targets. The radar adopts an array composed of hundreds of gallium nitride transceiver channels. Compared with most active phased array sensors that mainly use gallium arsenide transceiver channels at present, the radar using gallium nitride transceiver channels has the advantages of better anti-electronic interference ability, better small target detection ability, larger bandwidth and lower power consumption and heating.

Fig. 2 panoramic view of Gan airborne active phased array fire control radar transceiver channel array

1.2. The compound detection system is gradually mature to further improve the strike accuracy 

Photoelectric detection guidance system has the characteristics of high detection resolution, strong anti-interference ability and low equipment cost. It is widely used in short-range tactical missiles. Radio frequency detection and guidance system has the characteristics of long operating range and small impact on meteorological environment. It is suitable for long-distance operations. Composite detection system combines the advantages of the two detection systems and has better adaptability to the complex battlefield interference environment. It has become one of the important development directions.

In June 2020, the US Navy aviation corps tested a new agm-88g anti radiation missile. The missile is equipped with a multi module composite seeker covering digital Passive wideband radar array, millimeter wave active radar and digital anti radiation receiver. The data link function is added to ensure that the missile can upload target data in real time in flight to deal with a variety of threats. After launch, a variety of seekers can jointly determine the target nature / state to guide the missile After hitting, it can return data in real time to evaluate the strike effect.

In October 2020, the US Air Force began deploying the small diameter bomb produced by Raytheon Co. The small diameter bomb uses three mode seeker, including millimeter wave radar, infrared imaging capability, semi-active laser, GPS and inertial navigation system. These guidance systems can guide bombs to hit targets in various weather conditions, including dust and debris, resulting in low visibility.

In October 2020, the US Air Force awarded Raytheon technology a US $239.1 million order to deliver the Sixth Batch of more than 1000 GBU-54 / b storm Raider (also known as small diameter bomb (SDB) II) radars and infrared guided air to ground ammunition. Using millimeter wave active radar guidance, semi-active laser guidance, infrared guidance and GPS coupled inertial guidance, the intelligent ammunition can attack moving targets in bad weather such as darkness, rain, fog, smoke and dust. Its millimeter wave radar can detect and track targets in bad weather conditions; Infrared imaging can enhance target recognition; Semi active laser guidance to track laser indicators on aircraft or on the ground. The three mode seeker shares target information between three modes to fight with fixed targets or mobile targets whenever and wherever possible.

1.3 important breakthroughs have been made in integrated RF technology. The United States is committed to developing RF integrated, integrated and control technologies

At present, radar RF technology has become more and more mature, but the detection, communication, electronic warfare and other RF equipment of traditional guided systems are still "fighting on their own", which has low efficiency and space utilization, which has greatly affected the operational efficiency. In recent years, RF modularization and integrated control research have been carried out at home and abroad.

Since 2017, the defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has successively awarded contracts to perspecta, L-3 Mustang technology group and Northrop Grumman for the integrated cooperative unit in radio frequency mission operation (Concerto) project to develop a modular architecture for the adaptive integrated radio frequency system and realize radar Integrated RF system and sensor resource manager for EW and communication. The concerto project aims to shift from a rigid and limited independent design and integrated RF system to a comprehensive RF mode with variable scale, flexibility, easy modification and easy technology insertion, and make more effective use of the general RF caliber. Concerto system has many functions, and the required space and power are much smaller than that of multiple separation systems, which can improve the capacity of carrier platform. The first stage task will be completed in August 2019, and the second stage demonstration verification will be completed in October 2020.

On October 27, 2020, perspecta announced that it had received DARPA's contract for the third phase of the concerto project. The third phase will last for 21 months and will further develop RF resource management tools, including managing diversified third-party RF payload hardware, meeting the multi-functional needs of UAVs and other platforms and supporting multi platform operation, Perspecta said that its RF integrated resource management will change the performance mode of UAV and other platforms, provide better, faster and more accurate command and control, and achieve the goal of Distributed Combat management.

In addition, DARPA will invest in the gunner project in 2021 to demonstrate a tactical range equipment, which combines the mobility of missiles and the ability of guns to attack different targets, and can be used for close air support, anti riot and air-to-air combat missions. DARPA said that the development of such a system requires the comprehensive use of aerodynamics, propulsion systems and payloads to achieve a wide operational range, support mobility and multi-target identification algorithms, and mainly rely on modular technology to achieve the integration of multiple functions.

The domestic zhi-20 antisubmarine helicopter is the main shipborne helicopter of the Chinese Navy after 2020. The zhi-20 antisubmarine helicopter is also equipped with an integrated RF system to realize the integration of search radar, electronic warfare, data link and other functions, front-end sharing, back-end processing and differentiation, stronger comprehensive ability and faster response speed.

With the increasing research and investment in integrated RF technology at home and abroad, modular and controlled integrated RF will be the inevitable development direction  in the future.

2. The maturity of cooperative detection technology has been continuously improved, and the United States has strengthened the research on cooperative detection systemhair

Compared with the single platform compound guidance mode, cooperative detection integrates the detection results of multiple platforms and integrates the advantages of different platform guidance technologies, which can better meet the operational requirements of modern battlefield complex environment. The concept of cooperative combat system first began in 2015, Thomas middot, commander of surface forces of the US Navy; Roden issued a document "distributed killing - regaining sea control", which discusses how the naval surface forces apply the "distributed killing" tactics; In the following years, the U.S. military successively issued "multi domain operations of the U.S. Army" and "restoring U.S. military competitiveness - Mosaic warfare". In April 2020, the United States issued "expanding the battlefield: an important basis for multi domain operations", and in June, the United States issued "annex 3-1 of the Air Force Doctrine: responsibilities of the air force department in joint global operations", In July, Rand Corporation released "joint global command and control in modern war - analysis framework for identifying and developing artificial intelligence applications". It can be seen that the United States is committed to developing distributed operations, has carried out systematic layout in key capability areas, and has carried out research on key technology projects in architecture, command and control, communication networking, platform other capabilities. According to incomplete statistics, in the DARPA budget document released by the US Department of defense in fiscal year 2021, there are up to 57 Distributed Combat related projects, and the budget for fiscal year 2015-2020 is increasing year by year.

In June 2020, DARPA released the elastic network distributed mosaic communication project. In July 2020, DARPA awarded carlspan's air combat evolution project to comprehensively develop the joint air combat experiment infrastructure, and selected another 18 companies to compete for the task of developing, demonstrating, testing and integrating the advanced combat management system. It carried out the flight test of csdb-1 and F-16 fighters, evaluated the networking communication action, and will conduct comprehensive cluster test in more complex scenarios.

Over the past five years, the concepts of distributed operations and multi domain operations of the U.S. military have developed continuously, and have evolved into mosaic operations and joint global operations. The outstanding feature of these operations concepts is the innovative development of intelligent joint operations by using the networking technology, coordination technology, unmanned system technology, combat computing technology, human-computer interaction technology and artificial intelligence technology developed by the U.S. military over the years. The U.S. military is actively exploring the cooperative combat capability of unmanned systems and missiles. At present, the U.S. military has partially realized the Distributed Combat Capability in the field of UAVs and is building a global cooperative combat system. In the future, the flying missile will also be an important node to continuously improve the collaborative intelligent combat capability. It can be used as various command and control nodes, investigation nodes and attack nodes in the combat network to adjust the planning tasks of clusters and individuals in real time according to the battlefield situation, so as to form an adaptive dynamic "killing and wounding network".

It is expected that in the next five years, the flying missile will have a certain degree of autonomous and cooperative combat capability, can realize real-time battlefield information interaction with the command and control system, and limited interaction with other nodes in the network, and respond to predictable changes in the battlefield environment according to the preset task planning algorithm, form a multiple dynamic killing chain, and improve operational flexibility and efficiency.

3. Diversified development of new system guidance technology

The increasingly complex electromagnetic interference countermeasure environment in modern battlefield and the rapid development of electronic device science and technology continue to promote the development of new system guidance technologies such as quantum radar and microwave photon radar to engineering applications.

3.1. The quantum detection theory has been continuously improved, and phased achievements have been made in the development of quantum detection system

As a subversive frontier technology produced by the combination of quantum science and radar system, the development of quantum radar technology is accelerating year by year. At the basic theoretical level, new theories of quantum detection have been put forward, and the system tends to be more complete; At the level of technical research and verification, optical quantum radar and microwave quantum radar have achieved phased experimental results; For military applications, anti stealth, submarine detection and other quantum radar applications, some foreign institutions have carried out the development of miniaturized and chip based quantum detection systems.

Non classical light sources such as quantum entangled source and quantum squeezed source, due to the quantum correlation between the photons, can get results beyond the classical limit, which is a research hotspot at home and abroad. In May 2020, a research team composed of physicists from the University of Pavia in Italy proposed the quantum radar detection theory (Fig. 3) to enhance the three-dimensional detection accuracy of the target by using quantum entangled photon pairs, which can be used to locate non cooperative point targets in three-dimensional space. This scheme can obtain more accurate range and position information of the target than traditional radar. The scheme also has the potential to be extended to target location in four-dimensional space-time to determine the spatial position and state change of the target.

Fig. 3 theoretical model of entangled quantum radar

In May 2020, the research team of Professor Johannes Fink of the Austrian Institute of science and Technology (IST) created the world's first microwave quantum irradiation radar experimental device using entangled microwave photons (Fig. 4). The system uses superconducting Josephson parametric converter to generate entangled microwave photons and irradiate a room temperature object with a distance of 1 m. compared with classical radar, the signal-to-noise ratio can be increased by three times. This kind of quantum radar is less affected by background noise and has low transmission power. It will not expose itself when detecting long-distance targets. This technology has potential application prospects in weak target detection, ultra-low power biomedical imaging and so on.

Figure 4 microwave quantum irradiation radar

Using the energy level transition of Rydberg atom, high-precision measurement of microwave field different from classical electromagnetic induction can be realized, which has been preliminarily applied in the field of quantum precision measurement. In 2020, Rydberg atomic company of the United States launched a Rydberg atomic receiver for AM and FM radio communication (Fig. 5), which can sample and demodulate radio signals by optical means; The receiver does not contain electronic components and can selectively or simultaneously receive electromagnetic wave signals in the megahertz to millimeter wave bands. In addition, the company's researchers also verified the detection ability of Rydberg atomic receiver for electromagnetic pulse and electromagnetic wave phase information, which is expected to be applied to microwave quantum radar system in the future.

Fig. 5 conceptual diagram of Rydberg atomic receiver

Quantum detection can not only use a single detector for measurement, but also form a network to complete the detection. In April 2020, researchers at the University of Arizona proposed a new method of quantum detection to interconnect distributed quantum sensors to form a quantum sensor network (Fig. 6). If used for microwave signal angle of arrival estimation, it can break through the performance bottleneck of traditional microwave radar echo angle of arrival estimation accuracy, realize that the angle of arrival estimation accuracy exceeds the "quantum standard limit", and provide high-precision positioning Imaging and other applications provide a new technical way.

a) Distributed quantum sensor network        

(b) Measurement results of microwave angle of arrival

Figure 6 distributed quantum detection system

3.2. Breakthroughs have been made in the field of microwave photonic radar, with the development of application system device integration

Microwave photonic technology is an emerging technology field integrating microwave technology and photonic technology. Microwave photonic technology is used to realize the unified processing of microwave signals in the optical domain, which can effectively overcome the technical bottleneck of limited bandwidth of traditional electronic systems, realize the hardware architecture design of ultra wide bandwidth, reconfigurable and integrated radar system, and the photonic devices are small in volume and light in weight after packaging, It can make the radar system more flexible and smaller, and has potential application advantages in improving radar detection ability and anti-jamming ability.

Facing the development needs of high-throughput satellite high-capacity switching and forwarding, Airbus has carried out a series of satellite payload technology research based on microwave photons, completed the prototype development in 2020 (Fig. 7), and is expected to carry out on orbit verification in 2023. The constructed optical payload can realize large-scale routing and multi-channel signal forwarding processing including Ku, Ka and V bands. It has wide bandwidth, large capacity, high flexibility and strong anti-interference.

Fig. 7 physical diagram of satellite load of airborne microwave photons

In January 2020, the EU funded and launched the spacebeam project, which aims to strengthen the high-resolution remote sensing technology of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) by developing a radar receiver based on microwave photons. The radar receiver will realize optical beamforming network based on photonic integrated circuit (PIC), and finally realize photonic frequency conversion reception, continuous accurate beam scanning and reconfigurable expansion of broadband signal (5 ~ 40 GHz). The receiver will apply reconfigurable multi beam scanning receiving SAR to earth observation applications and enhance the remote sensing capability of future earth observation applications.

In June 2020, Arlington, Virginia, U.S. - U.S. military RF and microwave experts are contacting the microelectronics industry to develop array microwave photonic components for RF and Microwave Applications (such as radar) - lithium niobate configurable modulator array (FCMA), so as to realize the design of new array microwave photonic architecture for point-to-point RF link, RF signal processing Radar and RF spectrum management.

In August 2020, KRET has completed the test of the prototype of microwave photonic phased array radar (rofar). The general manager of KRET company announced that the prototype uses microwave photon technology to greatly expand the radar bandwidth, which can reduce the volume and weight of airborne shipborne radar and enhance the long-distance accurate detection ability of stealth targets in the future.

In September 2020, the European Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland developed a low-cost compact reconfigurable microwave photonic filter. Researchers have produced different types of micro combs on silicon nitride chip, and reconfigured the frequency by changing the optical pulse. Compared with the existing reconfigurable filter, there is no need to change the physical structure driven by external equipment, which will realize more compact and large bandwidth reconfigurable filter function at a lower cost, and has broad application prospects in radar detection and communication systems.

In general, microwave photonic technology can meet the application requirements of radar system for high performance, modularization, miniaturization, lightness and low cost. It is an important supporting way for the development of multifunctional intelligence of radar system. The United States still focuses on basic and subversive research and attaches importance to material / chip technology and on-chip micro module / micro system technology. With the support of DARPA, functional chips and micro modules with high maturity and can be put into system application have been produced; Under the traction of horizon 2020de, the EU pays attention to module upgrading and system level applications, focusing on the application of air space multi platforms (satellite satellite, satellite aircraft) and distributed microwave photonic radar. In addition to ground-based platforms, China has gradually carried out multi platform microwave photonic radar system technology for vehicle and airborne, gradually promoted system level application research, and began some application system device integration research.

3.3 underwater detection and communication is the core technology of underwater warfare and has become a key innovation field of various countries

Considering the complexity of water medium, underwater detection distance, accuracy and reliability are greatly affected, and it is objectively difficult to achieve "transparency". Therefore, underwater detection has increasingly become an important field for the world's military powers to maintain national security and expand underwater combat space. In recent years, the number of advanced quiet submarines is increasing all over the world, and the radiated noise of low-speed navigation is close to the noise level of marine environment; Unmanned combat systems at sea, such as unmanned underwater vehicles, are recognized as equipment to change the rules of the future naval battle because of their large number and small volume. Detection is a crucial link in underwater warfare, and it has also become the core technology of key innovation and development all over the world.

In May 2020, Britain's sonardyne International Co., Ltd. launched vigilant forward-looking sonar to provide underwater situational awareness for the Navy and civilian ships, with two working modes of 3D and sonar. In 3D mode, 3D color map within 600 m water depth can be generated in real time to identify safe areas and dangerous areas. In sonar mode, it can detect obstacles within 1500 m underwater and give an alarm. It is applicable to warships, cruise ships, scientific research ships, marine police ships, private yachts, merchant ships, unmanned surface boats, frogman carriers, etc.

In June 2020, L3 Harris technology company of the United States launched iver4 580, the second member of iver4 series of unmanned underwater vehicle. This single person portable platform can be used to perform various commercial and national defense tasks including survey, multi domain intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), anti submarine warfare, submarine warfare and mine warfare.

In June 2020, Australian Defense Technology Group (DST) purchased bluecomm underwater communication system from sonardyne company and installed it in the marine unmanned system (MAS) under research. Bluecomm is the only commercial spot in the field of underwater communication. It can wirelessly transmit high bandwidth tactical data including video within tens or even hundreds of meters underwater at a rate of more than 10 MB per second. It is not easy to be detected by sonar. It is suitable for secret and safe communication.

In November 2020, the French Navy held the delivery ceremony of the first ship of barracuda class attack nuclear submarine, xufreon. The ship is equipped with advanced sonar and has the ability of submarine search and anti submarine warfare. In the future, it will become the backbone of underwater anti submarine and aircraft carrier formation escort of the French Navy.

In November 2020, the Japanese frigate 30ffm has outstanding anti submarine and mine sweeping capabilities, and is equipped with relatively perfect comprehensive submarine search and attack systems suitable for use in shallow water areas, including the stern equipped with variable depth active sonar and passive towed sonar arrays.

In November 2020, the US Navy said at the annual seminar of the naval submarine alliance that it would develop Virginia class attack nuclear submarines; The development of columbier class nuclear submarines will increase R & D efforts in three aspects in the future, including increasing speed, improving payload capacity and enhancing stealth performance, which is not limited to acoustic stealth.

In November 2020, SAEs (SA electronics submarine) of Spain participated in the European "maritime defense" project, which was organized and coordinated by Damen shipyard of the Netherlands and officially launched on December 1, 2020 for a period of 30 months. SAEs will participate in the research of low detectability work project, explore corresponding strategies for the threats brought by new sensors, surface ships and increasing submarine detection capabilities, and reduce the detectability of naval platforms based on current and emerging technologies.

In December 2020, Australia signed a design contract for thin and light side array with Thales. Side array is an important sonar carried by attack submarine. It is installed on both sides of submarine to provide long-range passive detection, classification and positioning capabilities.

The future development trend of underwater exploration is mainly reflected in the following two aspects:

1) Through the development and use of mobile information sensing nodes such as unmanned underwater vehicles, the underwater monitoring network is further encrypted to reduce the false alarm rate of underwater detection;

2) Improve the comprehensive detection ability of multi-sensor fusion in complex marine environment.

4. In depth development of intelligent precision guidance technology has greatly improved the perception efficiency 

Artificial intelligence technology has the characteristics of data-driven, knowledge learning, accurate model and efficient processing. It can simulate human behavior by using statistical machine learning, deep learning and other technologies, generate target detection and recognition model from a large number of guidance data efficiently, accurately and autonomously, continuously improve its own performance, and greatly improve the perception efficiency. In recent years, a large number of foreign research results of precision guidance technology based on artificial intelligence have emerged, and the engineering application of precision guidance artificial intelligence continues to advance.

4.1 application of artificial intelligence technology in multi type 

In February 2020, the U.S. Army artificial intelligence working group (AITF) took the lead in launching the mobile cooperative and autonomous sensor assisted threat identification (atr-mcas) project. The project is an advanced air and ground vehicle network system enabled by artificial intelligence. Using sensors and edge computing technology, the sensors carried by the vehicle enable it to navigate in the area of interest to identify, classify and locate entities, obstacles and potential threats, so as to reduce the cognitive load of soldiers. The system can also aggregate and distribute target data, and then make recommendations and predictions according to the combined threat map.

In March 2020, the Russian radar technology and information company said that it was implementing a modernization and upgrading project for the radar station of the Russian missile early warning system, which would use artificial intelligence technology to improve the radar target recognition, tracking and detection capability. By introducing artificial intelligence elements into radar electronic equipment, including machine learning, big data analysis and other technologies, and using the computing power of data processing center, we can significantly speed up the determination of the characteristics and types of radar detection objects, and determine their setting and flight direction more accurately and quickly.

In September 2020, the US Army field tested the fire storm artificial intelligence system in the harsh desert environment of Yuma test site, which can provide the troops with target search and aiming capabilities. The director of the U.S. Army Ground vehicle modernization program said that in the future command "project integration" test, the fire storm artificial intelligence system will send accurate target data for ground forces, provide threat warnings on vehicles at enemies in some cases.

In November 2020, UAV shield introduced a new optical system based on artificial intelligence - droneoptid into its drone sentry anti UAV system suite. The system uses convolutional neural network (CNN) model, which can match the objects seen in the sky with large data sets without hardware constraints, and can improve the ability of UAV sentinels to detect and identify UAV platforms.

In November 2020, the US Army Combat Capability Development Command demonstrated a fast tracking adaptive radar system suitable for crowded spectrum environment. The system uses machine learning algorithm to learn the changing jamming behavior in the spectrum to identify the available security spectrum. Once the available spectrum is identified, the radar will automatically modify the waveform to adapt to the spectrum, so as to improve the radar performance. In the future, adaptive signal processing and machine learning algorithms will be applied to the software defined radar platform to realize autonomous real-time behavior and make cognitive radar possible.

In November 2020, the United States joint Artificial Intelligence Center (jaic) awarded general atomic aviation systems (ga-asi) a $93.3 million contract to enhance the autonomous sensing capability of MQ-9 death remote control aircraft (RPAS). The intelligent sensor project of jaic aims to demonstrate the target recognition algorithm of UAV, integrate artificial intelligence into UAV to manipulate aircraft sensors and guide autonomous flight, so as to promote the development and application of artificial intelligence technology.

In December 2020, the Novosibirsk Institute of electronic equipment of Russia developed an intelligent ammunition analysis software that can resist the electronic warfare system. The main task of the intelligent ammunition analysis software is to enable the intelligent ammunition to receive the target information in the active jamming environment with changing intensity, avoid the interference of the electronic warfare system and improve the strike accuracy, In terms of anti-jamming performance, it is far superior to other similar ammunition at home and abroad.

4.2. Build infrastructure in many countries to support the development of artificial intelligence technology

In June 2020, the UK defence science and Technology Laboratory said it was developing an integrated environmental test-bed to demonstrate and evaluate decision-making, mission planning and automation technologies that may be used on future naval platforms. "Command laboratory" is a construction plan launched by the British Defense Science and technology laboratory, which aims to support the man in the loop experiment in the operation room and control room, and demonstrate the artificial intelligence (AI) applications and software tools developed by the defense and security accelerator (dasa) intelligent ship project, so as to promote the application of AI systems in 2030 and beyond, The ultimate goal is to develop man-machine marshalling technology that can work together on military platform.

In September 2020, the US Air Force cooperated with the joint artificial intelligence center of the Department of defense to develop artificial intelligence services for all military departments using the digital infrastructure supported by its enterprise cloud, software development and data support program. The cloud service can access computers and storage space anywhere that can be connected, has the ability to develop software in the cloud and seamlessly push it anywhere, and the software can access cloud data.

In September 2020, kneron company of the United States released a new generation of edge artificial intelligence system on chip (SOC) chip kl720, which integrates neural network processing unit (NPU), digital signal processing (DSP) coprocessor and cortex m4cpu core, which can provide computing power of 1.4 trillion operations per second (TOPS) and support full HD video, 4K resolution image and voice information processing, The energy efficiency is as high as 0.9 trillion times / watt, which is higher than similar products of Google and NVIDIA.

In November 2020, the director of the joint artificial intelligence center of the U.S. Department of Defense said that the military application of artificial intelligence is not out of reach from military strategy to logistics support management to enemy fire prediction. However, artificial intelligence still faces resource challenges. In the future, the leaders of the Department of defense should give priority to the development and application of artificial intelligence technology when the budget faces new resistance.


With the rapid development and support of advanced detection, cooperative operation, artificial intelligence, new system detection and other technologies, the future battlefield will accelerate the transition to a systematic, cooperative, intelligent and unmanned battlefield. The war will present an unmanned, boundless and invisible confrontation form. The front edge technology of precision guidance will become the key factor determining the direction of the war, It is also a strategic highland for military powers. In 2020, foreign countries have made continuous progress and breakthroughs in the field of precision guidance, which provides reference and reference for the development of guidance technology. It is suggested to strengthen the research and application of collaborative detection, artificial intelligence and new system guidance in target detection, target identification and interference countermeasure, combined with advanced optical and RF integrated technology, It provides support for precision guided equipments to fully adapt to the future battlefield environment.

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