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Behind Lane level navigation -- looking at the precision breakthrough of high-precision positioning technology and its application scenarios

Release date:2021-12-28Author source:KinghelmViews:890

Recently, AutoNavi Maps officially launched the high-definition version of lane-level navigation, which is a major breakthrough in the application of high-precision Beidou positioning and reflects the continuous evolution and development of high-precision positioning technology.




Positioning Accuracy Breakthrough: From Meter to Submeter

The Beidou system provides global users with all-weather, all-day, high-precision positioning, navigation and timing services. "How should it be used" and "how accurate is this use?" has become a high-profile issue.

The positioning error of the traditional satellite navigation system of 5 to 10 meters is actually unable to meet the needs of production and life. However, since the successful deployment of the global network in 2020, the Beidou system has brought earth-shaking changes to people's production and life by providing high-precision positioning services.


The accuracy of high-precision positioning can be divided into several levels: sub-meter level, centimeter level, and millimeter level. In the era of the Internet of Things, sub-meter-level or even centimeter-level precise positioning capabilities can meet the needs of various IoT terminals.

At present, with the help of Beidou ground-based augmentation system, wide-area real-time positioning accuracy of meter level, decimeter level, centimeter level and post-processing millimeter level can be achieved.

Liu Jingnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the National Satellite Positioning System Engineering Technology Research Center, once said in an interview: "The Beidou system with independent intellectual property rights, In fact, it already has many technical advantages, such as high-precision positioning accurate to the sub-meter level, but it needs to be fully applied and promoted. "

Image source丨CCTV


The newly launched high-definition version of lane-level navigation uses the sub-meter-level high-precision positioning of the Beidou system to achieve positioning accuracy from the road level of 5-10 meters to the sub-meter lane level. In some special or complex intersections, high-precision guidance services are realized, which comprehensively improves the navigation experience.

This can be described as a major breakthrough in the application of high-precision Beidou positioning. Using high-definition rendering technology, the real road scene can be restored to the greatest extent on the screen, including the number of lanes on the current road, ground markings, entrances and exits, special lanes, etc.


In the future, if it is to be applied to intelligent driving scenarios, in order to ensure the safety of automatic driving, the positioning accuracy requirements for navigation technology may be even higher, and the accuracy in the lateral direction of the road generally needs to be less than 20 cm. It can be seen that with the increasing demand for high-precision services in people's production and life, high-precision positioning technology must continue to develop and improve.



Application scenarios of high-precision positioning technology

In the context of the Internet of Things, how to improve operational efficiency through more intelligent technologies has become a direction of continuous exploration in various fields. Location is a basic and indispensable information, and higher-precision positioning information can bring higher benefits and value.


(1)Precise flight of drones


High-precision positioning has always been a core requirement in the use of drones. With a high-precision positioning system,It can provide real-time high-precision position information, navigation attitude, speed information, and precise time information for UAVs.Combined with other sensor information for comprehensive analysis and processing, the speed and direction of the UAV engine can be adjusted to achieve precise take-off, descent and landing of the UAV.

(2)Precise operation of automated agricultural machinery


With the development of urbanization, the scale of agricultural production is getting higher and higher, high-quality operations require a lot of labor input, and labor costs are very high. Modern agricultural machinery with high-precision positioning services can perform soil preparation and ploughing operations through the automatic driving system, thereby greatly improving the operational efficiency of ridge raising, sowing, fertilization, spraying, rice transplanting, and harvesting.

In addition to scenes with less outdoor occlusion, high-precision positioning technology will also be applied to more complex scenes. With the rise of the Internet of Things, indoor positioning has ushered in a golden age of its own development thanks to its powerful location awareness.


(1)Application in shopping malls


In commercial-intensive areas such as large shopping malls, not only are there many shops, but also the browsing paths are more complicated, and people will have the need for navigation in these places. Indoor positioning technology allows people to quickly find their destination through convenient indoor navigation, and high-precision indoor navigation can even guide people to quickly find the goods on the shelf.

(2)Application in hospital


With the acceleration of the construction of smart hospitals, more and more large hospitals have begun to adopt high-precision positioning technology to improve the management level of medical equipment. Through the precise positioning of medical equipment, the detailed location and usage data of the equipment can be obtained in real time, and the utilization efficiency of core assets can be greatly improved; in addition, real-time monitoring of special patients can also be realized to effectively prevent accidents.

Image source丨Lingsco

(3)Application in construction site


In chemical plants, subway construction, tunnel construction and other construction sites, the positioning of personnel is a rigid need. In these scenarios, on the one hand, from the perspective of employee safety, it is necessary to locate employees, and when employees are in danger, call for help and alarm; on the other hand, it is necessary to locate and manage visitors in these places to prevent them from entering dangerous areas. . At present, in many construction scenarios, the project party will have a certain proportion of financial support for the location service.

In the future, high-precision positioning needs to expand the application of more scenarios, from outdoor to indoor, from driving to walking, and finally achieve full-scene coverage.

Some sources of information: Central Broadcasting Network, indoor positioning said, today's Beidou has slightly adjusted the article

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