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*** Beidou people were awarded the title of "the most beautiful fighter"

Release date:2021-12-29Author source:KinghelmViews:854

The most beautiful striver  
      On September 25, 2019, "the most beautiful striver"The commendation meeting was held inHeld in Beijing. Chinese Communist PartyWang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, met with the commended personnel and representatives of their relatives


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      The commendation decision was read out at the commendation meeting. Zhang Fuqing and other 278 individuals, the advanced group of "two bombs and one satellite" and 22 collectives such as the Beidou team of Aerospace Science and technology were awarded the title of "the most beautiful striver".

***Make important instructions for selection, commendation and learning publicity activities


      *** This is of great significance for learning heroic deeds, cultivating new people of the times and taking the long march of the new era.

      *** With their wisdom and sweat, even blood and life, they have written a magnificent and moving chapter for the prosperity and strength of the country, the revitalization of the nation and the happiness of the people. Heroes and models in various historical periods are worthy of our admiration and learning. We should widely publicize the advanced deeds of the "most beautiful striver", inherit and carry forward the spirit of patriotic struggle, play the symphony of struggle in New China, sing the song of striver in the new era, and use the moving stories of heroes and models to inspire the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups to stick to their patriotism and strengthen their will to struggle, so as to gather a strong spiritual force for realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

      The commendation conference of "the most beautiful striver" was held in Beijing on the morning of the 25th. Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, met with the commended personnel and representatives of their relatives.

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      The commendation decision was read out at the commendation meeting. 278 individuals such as Zhang Fuqing and 22 collectives such as the "westward migration" patriotic struggle advanced group of Xi'an Jiaotong University were awarded the title of "the most beautiful striver". Ye Peijian, technical consultant and researcher of China Academy of space technology, Xu Zhenchao, senior manager of fixed machinery of Engineering Technology Department of Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd., Shandong Province, Yu Liufen, Party Secretary of yanbolian village, sludge Township, panzhou City, Guizhou Province, Qi meiduoji, leader of driving group of Ganzi County branch of China Post Corporation, Jiang Jiaji, leader of a department of air force aviation, Zhang Yang, the 26th monitor of Lei Feng class of the 79th group army of the army and the representative of Lei Feng's unit, Jiao Shouyun, the honorary curator of Comrade Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall in Lankao County and the daughter of Comrade Jiao Yulu, the driver of "Mao Zedong" locomotive group in Fengtai locomotive depot of Beijing Bureau of State Railway Corporation, Liu Yufeng, the representative of "Mao Zedong" locomotive group and other commended personnel and relatives made speeches at the meeting.

      Sun Chunlan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, Chen Xi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Miao Hua, member of the Central [敏感词] Commission, attended the meeting.

      The honorees of the "most beautiful struggle" and the relatives of the deceased "most beautiful struggle" honorees, the main responsible comrades of the member units of the central propaganda and ideological work leading group, the responsible comrades of relevant departments, the Standing Committee members of the party committees and propaganda ministers of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and the representatives of cadres and people from all walks of life in the capital attended the meeting.

Advanced group of "two bombs and one satellite"          
      In the mid-1950s, the first generation of the party central leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core decisively made the strategic decision to independently develop "two bombs and one satellite" in accordance with the international situation at that time and in order to protect national security and maintain world peace.              A large number of outstanding scientific and technological workers, including many outstanding scientists abroad, with full love for new China, responded to the call of the party and the state and unswervingly devoted themselves to this sacred and great cause.              On September 18, 1999, while celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the CPC Central Committee decided to commend the 23 scientific and technological experts who made outstanding contributions to the development of "two bombs and one satellite", and awarded them to Yu Min, Wang Daheng, Wang Xiji, Zhu Guangya, sun Jiadong, Ren Xinmin, Wu Ziliang, Chen Fangyun, Chen nengkuan, Yang Jiayi, Zhou Guangzhao, Qian Xuesen, Tu shoue Huang Weilu, Cheng Kaijia and Peng Huanwu "two bombs and one star Merit Medal", and posthumously awarded Wang Ganchang, Deng Jiaxian, Zhao Jiuzhang, Yao Tongbin, Qian Ji, Qian Sanqiang and Guo yonghuai "two bombs and one star Merit Medal".              The founder of "two bombs and one satellite" is an outstanding representative of the advanced group engaged in the development of "two bombs and one satellite".              

Beidou team of Aerospace Science and technology
                            The Beidou team of Aerospace Science and technology is an important force in China's independent research and development of Beidou satellite navigation system. It has established Beidou-1 system, China's first and the world's third satellite navigation system, breaking the GPS monopoly of the United States; At the end of 2012, the beidou-2 system covering the Asia Pacific region was completed, creating a record of successfully launching 14 navigation satellites for three consecutive years, creating a precedent for the mass production mode of satellites, realizing high-precision positioning in China's territory and surrounding regions, and the beidou-3 system covering the world will be fully completed in 2020. After 25 years of deep cultivation in Tianjiang, the team broke through a large number of core key technologies such as autonomous navigation and inter satellite link, realized 100% localization of key components, supported the backbone of the Chinese people, served the national economy and the people's livelihood, and bred the Beidou spirit of "independent innovation, unity and cooperation, overcoming difficulties and pursuing excellence". Won the special prize of 2016 National Science and technology progress award.
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