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Song Shiqiang accepts exclusive interview with Shenzhen satellite TV

Release date:2021-12-29Author source:KinghelmViews:990


At 8:30 p.m. on August 23, 2016, the financial life channel of Shenzhen satellite TV broadcast an exclusive interview with song Shiqiang, general manager of golden beacon. In response to an exclusive interview with Zhai Cuomo and Li Wensi of Shenzhen satellite TV's financial life channel, Mr. Song Shiqiang expressed his views on the development and transformation of Huaqiangbei small and medium-sized enterprises.  

Based on the development of alloy navigation mark company in the past two years, song Shiqiang said that Shenzhen Golden navigation mark Electronics Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise and double soft enterprise growing up in Huaqiangbei. With the efforts of our colleagues, we have developed from an ordinary trader to the best agent and application solution in the Beidou industry. In terms of Beidou intelligent hardware and smart city, the "kingelm" series products developed and produced by the company have a very high market share and good reputation. The company's long-term plan is to lock in the field of new energy, successfully take shares in South Korea Sacco microelectronics company, which has mastered the core technology of silicon carbide SiC, and cut into the core value end of the new energy electronics industry. Sacco micro's silicon carbide power device is a world leader in the key points of epitaxial wafer culture, processing and production process. Jinhangbiao and South Korea Sacco micro established Shenzhen Sacco Micro Technology Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, which is responsible for the promotion, channel construction and product sales of Sacco micro "slkor" brand in Greater China, and has made significant progress.


When the macro-economy continues to decline and the traditional model of Huaqiangbei is facing a crisis, where will Huaqiangbei, who once led the trend, go? Will it sink from then on, or will it make good use of the original advantages of Huaqiangbei and combine the characteristics of the new era to create brilliance? General manager song Shiqiang talked about some practical ideas from the rapid development ideas of golden beacon company in the past two years, combined with the current situation and development logic of Huaqiangbei's enterprises. Huaqiangbei's enterprises should make fundamental efforts to break through the encirclement and develop, get rid of the previous low-end homogeneous competition, and abandon counterfeiting. We should rely on new materials, new technologies, new products, new markets, new equipment and new models. The core is technological innovation, integrated innovation and model innovation. Only then can Huaqiangbei continue to lead the trend, bravely stand at the head of the tide and sing the wind.


Finally, Mr. Song Shiqiang said that as a member of Huaqiangbei, he has very deep feelings for Huaqiangbei and must work hard and offer suggestions for the development of Huaqiangbei. Huaqiangbei people, Huaqiangbei business district and Huaqiangbei spirit are magic weapons in North China. With the support of the media and the guidance of the government, Huaqiangbei must have a very bright future!


Golden beacon Electronics

Song Shiqiang




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+86 0755-83975897

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