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Shanghai: by the end of 2023, the scale of Beidou spatiotemporal information industry will reach 100 billion yuan

Release date:2021-12-28Author source:KinghelmViews:746

Notice of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economic and Information Technology, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Municipal Defense Science and Industry Office, the Municipal Transportation Commission, and the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau on Printing and Distributing the "Three-Year Action Plan for the High-quality Development of Shanghai Beidou Industry (2021-2023)"

The people's governments of all districts, relevant committees, offices and bureaus of the municipal government, and relevant units:

In order to obey the major task of serving the national Beidou development, accelerate the construction of new infrastructure, fully empower the digital transformation of cities, and build a national Beidou industry innovation and development highland, with the approval of the municipal government, the "Shanghai Beidou Industry High-quality Development Three-Year Action Plan ( 2021-2023)" is issued to you, please implement it carefully.

Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology

Shanghai Development and Reform Commission

Shanghai Science and Technology Commission

Shanghai Office of National Defense Science, Technology and Industry

Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission

Shanghai Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau

July 28, 2021


Three-year action plan for high-quality development of Shanghai Beidou industry


In order to accelerate the high-quality development of Shanghai Beidou industry, build a national Beidou industry innovation and development highland, serve and implement major national strategies, fully empower the city's digital transformation, and continuously improve the city's energy level and core competitiveness, this action plan is specially formulated.

1. General idea

(1) Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on his inspection of Shanghai and the important speech at the 30th anniversary celebration of Pudong's development and opening up, and grasp the spirit of Beidou No. 3 A major opportunity for the establishment of the global system, give full play to the advantages of Shanghai Beidou's complete industrial chain, outstanding high-precision features, rich application scenarios, and complete talents, finance, and market elements, take the Beidou industry as an important direction to strengthen the leading function of high-end industries, and accelerate the core of Beidou. Technological research, continuous expansion of application scenarios, optimization and improvement of the industrial ecological environment, and promotion of the large-scale development of the Beidou industry, inject new momentum into creating new vitality for economic development, empowering the digital transformation of cities, and enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness of cities.

(2) Basic principles

1. Overall planning and coordination. Serve the major tasks of the country's Beidou, strengthen the guidance of Beidou industry planning, promote the combination and complementarity of the industry and the integration and coordination of non-industry, focus on key points, give full play to advantages, continue to innovate, and rationally deploy, and promote the integration, clustering, and ecological development of Beidou industries.

2. Demand traction, innovative applications. Facing the major needs of urban digital transformation, strengthen the drive of economic, life, and governance scenarios, strengthen key core technology research and system integration, promote Beidou application demonstration innovation, development model innovation, and continuously improve the supply of high-quality Beidou products and services.

3. Leading lead, cluster development. Give full play to the role of Beidou industry leading enterprises, strengthen central-local cooperation and international exchanges, guide large and medium-sized enterprises to develop in a coordinated way, smooth circulation of industrial chains and supply chains, build Beidou high-end industrial clusters, and create a high-quality industrial development ecology.

2. Development goals

Guided by the development of the entire industrial chain of Beidou, aiming at the market demand of high-precision satellite navigation, we will strive to break through the key technologies of Beidou, greatly improve basic capabilities, accelerate the expansion of industrial scale, and optimize and improve the industrial ecology. By the end of 2023, Shanghai will be built into an autonomous and controllable Beidou industry, a source of multi-source integration and innovation, and a leading cluster of high-end industries.

——The scale of the industry is further expanded. Improve the industrial level and market competitiveness, promote the Beidou space-time information industry scale to reach 100 billion yuan, of which the Beidou high-precision navigation and positioning industry scale exceeds 50 billion yuan, cultivate 100 high-quality enterprises in the industrial chain, and create more than 5 listed companies.

- Further breakthroughs in key technologies. Beidou's "Heaven-Earth Integration" enhanced service technology leads the world, and Beidou high-precision chips for large-scale applications have made major breakthroughs. The "Beidou high-precision positioning + high-precision map" integrated application technology is world-leading, and plays an important role in serving the digital transformation of cities. effect.

——Further consolidate basic capabilities. Forming the "integration of satellite and ground" Beidou high-precision service capabilities radiating across the country, promoting the formulation of no less than 10 Beidou high-precision national standards, and building a world-leading city-level space-time "intelligent cloud + positioning network + twin map + application terminal" Smart base.

- Fusion applications are further enriched. In the fields of urban governance, intelligent transportation, unmanned systems, mass consumption, aviation applications, etc., realize the integration and innovation of Beidou applications; expand the characteristic services of short message communication, and strengthen the application in key industries such as marine, ships, and electric power.

——The industrial ecology was further improved. Improve policies and regulations, strengthen public service capabilities such as R&D, testing, standards, think tanks, and entrepreneurship, and promote the construction of national-level platforms or industrial innovation centers. The new Beidou industry clustering model of "one platform + multiple bases" has achieved initial results, and the industry has international influence. further highlighted.

3. Main tasks

(1) Key technology research projects

1. Carry out research on key core technologies based on Beidou-3. Focus on the key common technologies of Beidou, carry out technology research and development of new signals and new functions and basic application research, and accelerate the formation of Beidou-3 high-precision industrial chain technology products and supply systems. In view of the key problems restricting high-precision large-scale applications, combined with the construction of the national comprehensive PNT system, carry out low-cost, low-power, high-precision, high-reliability "two low and two high" special technical research, strengthen the research and development of core algorithms and software and hardware and optimization to improve the low-cost and high-availability of Beidou high-precision large-scale applications. (Leading departments: Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Defense Science, Technology and Industry Office)

2. Accelerate the breakthrough of multi-source fusion intelligent positioning technology. Carry out research on key technologies of multi-source heterogeneous data fusion navigation and positioning algorithms based on Beidou, Inertial Navigation (IMU), and Ultra Wide Band (UWB), and improve the high-precision, high-reliability navigation and positioning capabilities of intelligent unmanned equipment. Break through the vehicle-road coordination technology of precise timing and clock synchronization, build a Beidou space-time synchronization system, and provide precise positioning and global coordinate benchmarks for application terminals. Break through key technologies such as precise single-point positioning, multi-source signal fusion positioning, high-precision anti-jamming, and precise time synchronization, and carry out research on signal processing technology adaptable to mega-city scenarios to achieve all-weather, full-scenario, centimeter-level accurate navigation in urban environments. (Leading departments: Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Defense Science, Technology and Industry Office)

3. Strengthen the research on Beidou precision space-time application technology. Relying on the large-scale application of Beidou high-precision terminals, collect new data of Beidou applications in different fields and dimensions, and promote data integration, analysis, operation and transaction. Research the fusion processing and application technology of geographic information, location information, and time information based on a unified spatiotemporal benchmark, explore the integration of emerging technologies such as blockchain and homomorphic encryption, and carry out the ecosystem evaluation and value-added services of Beidou application big data. Carry out research on technologies such as intelligent perception, indoor and outdoor seamless positioning, and spatiotemporal big data analysis, and form system solutions for the integration and application of new technologies such as Beidou and 5G, satellite Internet, Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence. (Leading departments: Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Defense Science, Technology and Industry Office)

(2) Basic ability improvement project

4. Optimize the Beidou space-time intelligent cloud platform. Based on the Beidou ground-based augmentation system, support the construction of the Beidou satellite-based augmentation system and the construction of the integrated air and space information system for communication, navigation and remote control, and strengthen the basic capability of the "satellite-ground integration" Beidou high-precision space-time service signal enhancement. Breakthrough technologies such as Beidou ionospheric modeling optimization algorithm based on artificial intelligence, "cloud integration" multi-sensor intelligent fusion positioning and intelligent improvement of user positioning algorithm, scene intelligent recognition based on Beidou user big data and other technologies, optimize Beidou space-time for multiple application scenarios Intelligent cloud platform. (Leading departments: Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission)

5. Improve Beidou's high-precision "one network, one map". Combined with the technical capabilities of Beidou high-precision location services, visual computing, Internet of Things, big data, 5G, satellite remote sensing, etc., unify the space-time benchmarks, and optimize the "precision positioning network" with high-precision positioning capabilities. Collect and collect various urban spatial elements empowered by high-precision location capabilities, and enrich the "high-precision twin map" that integrates multiple spatial elements. Improve the "one network, one map" Beidou space-time intelligent infrastructure to serve the digital transformation of Shanghai. (Leading departments: Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Management Committee, Municipal Transportation Commission, Municipal Economic Information Commission)

6. Expand the Beidou space-time intelligent application terminal. Facing the fields of public services, urban governance, digital economy, and industry substitution in the era of intelligent IoT, further develop and deploy intelligent application terminals such as urban cameras, smart cones, and smart triangles with BeiDou precise space-time capabilities. Taking smart terminals as the starting point, it will carry out large-scale applications in the fields of smart cars, smart agriculture, smart inspection, and smart logistics, forming a strong demonstration effect of industrial applications. (Leading departments: Municipal Communications Commission, Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Commission, Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Commission, Municipal Economic Information Commission)

(3) Integrated application innovation project

7. Carry out precise and empowered urban governance applications. Taking the "one-network unified management" as the lead, coordinate the operation time and space data of each region, improve the city's digital signs, build a comprehensive service platform with comprehensive perception, data collection, function integration, and joint logistics linkage, and empower the city's digital governance. Carry out the application of Beidou high precision in comprehensive urban governance such as flexible law enforcement of illegal parking on urban ground roads, and refined management of household waste classification, in the health monitoring of key buildings such as bridges, and the safety monitoring of important facilities such as roadside billboards. The application in the monitoring and management of vehicles such as car-hailing and sanitation, the application in the ecological environment protection such as the fishing ban on the Yangtze River and the water patrol inspection, and the application in the new fields such as digital finance and vehicle insurance. (Leading departments: Municipal Urban Transportation Center, Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Transportation Commission, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, Municipal Commerce Commission, Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau, Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Management Committee, Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau)

8. Develop cloud-integrated intelligent transportation applications. Promote the application of Beidou high-precision services in all aspects of the intelligent networked automobile industry chain, and actively promote the introduction of Beidou high-precision software, hardware and service products into automobile front-loading and vehicle-road coordination roadside facilities. Upgrade the Beidou space-time service capabilities of cameras, traffic signs, and road testing infrastructure in the urban expressway network to achieve "cloud-integrated" infrastructure access, supervision, control, and maintenance management. Carry out lane-level traffic information broadcasting, early warning, warning, dispatching, and rescue based on Beidou high-precision positioning on urban expressways with conditions to improve the efficiency of urban expressways. Pilot implementation of "Beidou + 5G + AI" airport intelligent operation services, promote Beidou's intelligent services in the fields of safe navigation of ships, port automatic driving, logistics and distribution, railway safety, comprehensive transportation, etc., and refine the application of Beidou in large transportation , to help create digital transportation. (Leading departments: Municipal Transportation Commission, Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, Municipal Economic Information Commission)

9. Carry out multi-source fusion unmanned system applications. With multi-source fusion intelligent navigation technology as the core, carry out research on the application of unmanned systems, promote the in-depth integration of Beidou/GNSS high-precision positioning and unmanned system attitude, altitude, odometer and other sensors, and provide highly stable and seamless unmanned systems for unmanned systems. Navigation location services. Fully promote Beidou's high-precision products and services to unmanned systems such as unmanned aerial vehicles, ground robots, and water unmanned ships, and gradually realize all-weather and all-scenario applications in complex environments. (Leading departments: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Transportation Commission, Municipal Water Affairs Bureau)

10. Develop mass consumption applications that are convenient for the people and benefit the people. Taking accurate time and space to help improve people's lives, and comprehensively enhance the digitalization of economy and life, upgrade the precise positioning capabilities of a large number of portable intelligent terminals, focusing on promoting precise positioning and navigation of smartphones, urban light travel, terminal logistics and distribution, smart wear, sports health, etc. Innovative applications, promote "production" with "use", and drive the development of hardware modules, mobile applications, and data services. Promote special applications based on Beidou, such as shared vehicle management, vital sign collection, emergency calling, elderly safety monitoring, public health care, accurate location reporting, etc., to prosper the mass consumption industry. (Leading departments: Municipal Commerce Commission, Municipal Transportation Commission, Municipal Health and Health Commission, Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Commission, Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Municipal Economic Information Commission)

11. Carry out safe and controllable aviation applications. Develop airborne Beidou positioning and monitoring equipment for general aviation low-altitude airspace positioning and monitoring applications, and promote the application of Beidou system transportation aircraft tracking, monitoring and timing. Develop Beidou positioning, navigation and monitoring equipment for large civil passenger aircraft, carry out demonstration applications of satellite navigation equipment for domestic large civil passenger aircraft, promote the application of Beidou navigation and monitoring in air transportation, and promote the incorporation of Beidou navigation signals into international civil aviation standards. (Leading departments: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Transportation Commission)

12. A characteristic application for short message communication. Make full use of the Beidou short message communication function, integrate satellite communication, 5G, short wave/ultra short wave communication and other technologies to optimize the safety production supervision and command system of marine operations in Shanghai. Accelerate the deployment of high-precision Beidou shipboard terminals and Beidou operation service centers, promote the application of Beidou in ocean-going ships, and provide offshore production operators with autonomous navigation, emergency alarm in distress, and ship-shore short message exchange services. Establish a shipping distress alarm and emergency search and rescue system based on Beidou to help the construction of Shanghai International Shipping Center. (Leading departments: Municipal Transportation Commission, Municipal Emergency Bureau, Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, Municipal Economic Information Commission)

(4) Industrial agglomeration projects

13. Create an industrial agglomeration model of "one platform and multiple bases". Support leading enterprises to take the lead, aggregate advantageous enterprises in the industrial chain, and cooperate with relevant high-quality units in the Yangtze River Delta to jointly build the Beidou industrial innovation platform. Further enhance the development level of the existing Qingpu Beidou West Hongqiao, Yangpu Bay Valley, Jiading Madong professional industrial bases and Lingang, Jinshan, Minhang and other application bases, and form a new Beidou industrial agglomeration model of "one platform and multiple bases". Encourage high-quality enterprises to jointly build a park within a park with the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. (Leading departments: Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Qingpu District Government, Yangpu District Government, Jiading District Government, Jinshan District Government, Minhang District Government, Lingang New Area Management Committee)

14. Form an all-round and multi-level enterprise introduction mechanism. Focusing on the characteristic application of Beidou in the fields of urban digital transformation, five new cities, the construction of comprehensive transportation hubs in the Yangtze River Delta, high-end equipment, low-altitude navigation, and elderly health, support the adoption of “introducing a group of high-level domestic and foreign enterprises” and “cultivating a group of innovation-leading enterprises” "Develop a group of advantageous and characteristic enterprises" and "strengthen a group of key brand enterprises", promote the gradient development of Beidou enterprises, activate new impetus for industrial development, accumulate new potential energy for industrial development, and serve the new pattern of industrial ecological development. (Leading departments: Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Municipal Office of National Defense Science, Technology and Industry, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Commission of Commerce, Yangtze River Delta Regional Cooperation Office)

(5) Ecological Promotion Project

15. Improve the continuous and standardized industrial security system. Strengthen the top-level design and system planning of Beidou industrial policies and regulations, technical standards, application standards, and capability evaluation systems. Promote Shanghai Beidou enterprises to actively carry out quality improvement activities such as key product quality research, formulate standards and specifications in related fields, and participate in the formulation of national and international standards such as intelligent networked vehicles and unmanned system applications. Preliminarily establish a global use and protection system for Beidou intellectual property rights, and promote the layout of domestic and overseas patents for the entire industry chain,, to promote the standardization and sustainable development of Beidou industry. (Leading departments: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Municipal Intellectual Property Office, Municipal Economic Information Commission)

16. Strengthen the industry promotion function of public platforms. Strengthen the operation services of public platforms such as spatiotemporal big data services, product testing services, standard time application services, and spatial information data services. Accelerate the function improvement of public platforms such as Beidou short message application, Beidou emergency search and rescue system service, and indoor and outdoor integrated navigation database service. Promote the construction of innovative platforms such as new R&D institutions, enterprise technology innovation centers, school-enterprise cooperation platforms, characteristic key laboratories, and "Beidou + integrated applications". (Leading departments: Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Education Commission)

17. Give full play to the leading role of the industry led by radiation. Accelerate the cultivation of the comprehensive application industry of Beidou in the Yangtze River Delta, focus on key infrastructure fields such as maritime ports, transportation, power engineering, natural resources, etc., support relevant enterprises to build Beidou basic service facilities in overseas countries and regions such as the “Belt and Road”, and expand new basic surveying and mapping , geographic information system, intelligent construction, disaster monitoring and early warning and other advantageous industries international application, exchange and cooperation. (Leading departments: Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Municipal Defense Science, Technology and Industry Office, Municipal Commerce Commission, and the Yangtze River Delta Regional Cooperation Office)

4. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen overall coordination

Strengthen the organization and leadership of the development of Beidou industry, improve the leadership organization and work promotion mechanism, coordinate and solve major problems in the development of Beidou, and do a good job in planning implementation and follow-up supervision. Guide all districts and departments to rationally arrange major application demonstration and industrialization projects, promote them in a coordinated manner, and implement them in an orderly manner, forming a working mechanism in which the leading department pays attention to the overall implementation, and the relevant departments divide labor and cooperate. (all relevant units)

(2) Strengthening financial security

Coordinate the use of special funds for the development of Shanghai's strategic emerging industries, promote high-quality industrial development, and industrial collaborative innovation, increase support for key technologies and core links, focus on supporting major R&D research, scenario demonstration applications, and other projects, and encourage enterprises to increase Investing in R&D and human resources expenses. Support enterprises to actively expand overseas markets, promote the Beidou industry to go global at a high level, and support the iconic, leading and exemplary Beidou application system (including software, hardware, and system solutions) according to the current first set of equipment policy. Promote the localization and standard application of satellite navigation and positioning products in key areas and key industries, and encourage purchasers to increase purchases of Beidou products. Make full use of diversified financial tools, actively support the Beidou Industrial Investment Fund and related industry funds to jointly build a Beidou industrial investment and financing development platform; rely on the "Pujiang Light" action, promote financial institutions to help enterprises increase credit and financing, and support eligible Beidou enterprises to go public . (Leading departments: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Defense Science and Industry Office, Municipal Commerce Commission)

(3) Accelerate the construction of talents

Combined with the role of the "Shanghai Key Fields (Industry) Talent Development Catalogue", strengthen the training and introduction of Beidou industrial talents, and strengthen the team of Beidou high-level engineers and high-skilled talents. Give full play to the role of key enterprises, universities, and research institutes, encourage the joint establishment of Beidou space-time intelligence-related disciplines, and create joint training and orientation training bases. Strengthen the formation and cultivation of different types of Beidou talent echelon, and consolidate the talent team. Encourage and support the application of professional titles of small, medium and micro enterprises and private enterprises, and support the application for talent projects at or above the municipal level. Expand and optimize the talent reward policy in the Beidou field, increase the introduction of global talents, and attract domestic and foreign talents to Shanghai to create the Beidou cause. (Leading departments: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Education Commission)

The "Kinghelm" trademark was originally registered by the Golden Navigator Company. Golden Navigation is a direct-selling manufacturer of GPS antennas and Beidou antennas. It has a very high reputation and reputation in the Beidou GPS navigation and positioning industry. Its research and development products are widely used in bds satellite navigation and positioning wireless communications, etc. field. The main products include: RJ45-RJ45 network, network interface connector, RF connector patch cord, coaxial cable connector, type-c connector, hdmi interface type-c interface, pin header, SMA, fpc, FFC Antenna connector, antenna signal transmission waterproof connector, hdmi interface, usb connector, terminal terminal line, terminal board terminal block, terminal block, radio frequency rfid label, positioning and navigation antenna, communication antenna antenna cable, glue stick antenna suction cup antenna, 433 antenna 4G antenna, GPS module antenna, etc. Widely used in aerospace, communications, military, instrumentation and security, medical and other industries.

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