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Research Report on China's 5g new infrastructure in 2020

Release date:2021-12-28Author source:KinghelmViews:1018

1. Significance of 5g new infrastructure  

What does 5g mean to society?

The change of business essence is the significance of 5g new infrastructure

Communication services and human beings are closely related to the attribute of human being as a three-dimensional organism from the perspective of the functions that can be realized by different intergenerational communication technologies. From 1g to 4G, people's communication needs from sound, graphics and video promote technological progress. However, just like the relationship between physics and mathematics, human beings explain and quantify physical phenomena through mathematical calculation. However, when the primary and secondary relationship is reversed, many feasible conclusions in mathematical logic are difficult to find evidence of existence in the physical world, and even difficult to be understood by human beings. This logic also exists in the development process of demand and technology. The realization of real-time video communication is the boundary of human basic communication needs, but the progress of technology will not stop. It is difficult to imagine where the technology beyond human basic needs will take the reality. Therefore, the emergence of 5g cannot be simply based on the improvement of data transmission speed. The quantitative change to qualitative change in speed will change the existing business logic and profit model bit by bit. For example, the gradual free of intelligent hardware, the diversification of mobile business service entrances, and the possible transformation of 2C and 2b2c

Greater business opportunities behind the economic outlook

The change of ownership of link media and service terminals has triggered a business model revolution

The most obvious change of 5g is the improvement of communication speed, but when the communication speed is increased to a certain extent, the needs and concerns of users will change. Such demand changes have occurred several times, and each round of weakened user demand point is precisely the defect made up by technology in this round of revolution. For example, users' concerns about the storage capacity of computers and mobile phones, users' concerns about the speed of data transmission, and so on. These demand points will become "habitual" for users in the new technology era. In the 5g era, this demand transfer may occur at the following two levels: the replacement of link media and the separation of property right and use right of intelligent devices.

Potential subversion of the business logic of China's digital economy

The deep transformation from 2C mode to 2b2c mode in essence

For existing Internet companies and entrepreneurs, the most obvious thing to do is to improve the 5g environmentIt is to reach cooperation with all platforms with link value at this stage and broaden their future service output channels. In addition, what is more hidden and more important is the choice of business model.

For the current Internet companies, the business model of 2b2c is not new. In all the subdivided industries with giants such as payment and cloud services, 2b2c has long been the business path that non giant enterprises are both active and forced to choose. This seemingly ancient path may face deeper changes in the 5g era. There are two modes of 2b2c in theory. The main difference between the two modes lies in the choice of B, which is highly praised by the market. B is a merchant directly facing the user's business scenario, and the other is a cooperation platform with traffic in hand. To some extent, in order to ensure excellent conversion rate, the second flow B has a certain competitive relationship with the company itself. In the 5g era, the deep transformation of 2b2c mode is based on the transformation of the second traffic B.

2. Driving effect of 5g new infrastructure  

5g new infrastructure drives industrial development - network planning and Design Institute

The operator design institute has a high market share, and the non operator Communication Design Institute benefits little

5g network planning is the planning of station site and construction scheme using frequency band and actual physical environment according to 5g technical characteristics. It is the beginning of 5g network life cycle and the first link to benefit under 5g new infrastructure policy. At present, China's communication planning enterprises can be roughly divided into four categories: operator design institutes, private design institutes, design institutes controlled by colleges and universities and state-owned enterprise design institutes. Among them, the design institutes under the operator have absolute advantages and high market share, especially China Communication Service Co., Ltd., which is owned by China Telecom and both China Mobile and China Unicom. The following mainly takes the centralized procurement of China Mobile 5g network planning as an example. In November 2019, China Mobile announced the centralized procurement of communication engineering design and feasibility study from 2020 to 2021, of which the scale of 5g network is about 28 billion yuan. The winning share of China Mobile Design Institute under China Mobile is as high as 26.51 billion, accounting for 94.6%. China Telecom consulting, Huaxin, Guangdong Telecom, Guangdong Southern Telecom and Zhongrui Communication Design Institute under Telecom have won a total of 1.41 billion, accounting for about 5%, and the winning share of design institutes under operators is about 99.6%. It can be seen that in the 5g network planning, the operator design institute occupies an absolute advantage, and the Communication Design Institute of non operators benefits little, so it is difficult to enjoy the dividends brought by the new 5g infrastructure.

5g new infrastructure drives industrial development - equipment manufacturers

Large scale, high gross profit, comprehensive 5g equipment manufacturers benefit the most

5g network consists of wireless access network, bearer network and core network. The corresponding network elements are base station, transmission equipment and core network equipment. In 2020, the bidding scale of 5g equipment of the three major domestic telecom operators was nearly 100 billion, of which the scale of base stations was the highest, with a total of about 69.8 billion. In 2020, China Mobile will purchase 230000 base stations and ITU will jointly purchase 250000 base stations, totaling more than 480000 stations. Ranked according to the number of base stations, Huawei, ZTE, Ericsson and China Telecom are ranked from high to low, accounting for 57%, 30%, 10.7% and 2.3% respectively. Huawei and ZTE have a cumulative share of 87%. In addition to base stations, Huawei, ZTE and Ericsson have also obtained the top three shares in core network procurement, and Huawei and ZTE have also obtained a high share in transmission equipment procurement. From the main construction cycle of 4G network, from 2013 to 2019, the overall gross profit margin of Huawei, ZTE and Ericsson was more than 30%, and the gross profit margin of their operator business was higher than the overall gross profit margin of the company. It can be seen that 5g equipment procurement scale is large and gross profit is high. Comprehensive 5g equipment manufacturers such as ZTE, Huawei and Ericsson benefit the most.

5g new infrastructure drives industrial development - small base station manufacturers

5g network construction releases the demand for small base stations slowly, and small base station manufacturers benefit late

Compared with the macro base station, the small base station refers to the wireless access point with small volume, small power and flexible installation. It is a supplement to the macro base station. It is mainly used for areas with weak coverage, blind spots and limited capacity. Compared with Acer stations, the threshold of small base stations is low. In addition to the four Acer station manufacturers of Huawei, ZTE, Ericsson and Datang, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have also entered the field of small base stations. However, at present, the field is still in the stage of full competition, the concentration is low, and the pattern of oligopoly has not been formed.

From a functional point of view, the main function of small base stations is to fill the blind and heat. Therefore, in the early stage of 5g network construction mainly aimed at fast coverage, telecom operators have little demand for small base stations. Judging from the bidding situation of 4G, in December 2013, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued 4G license. In October 2015, China Mobile conducted the first centralized procurement of small base stations, with an interval of up to 23 months. From the 5g bidding situation, in June 2019, the Ministry of industry and information technology issued the 5g license. In the second quarter of 2020, the three operators have completed the second procurement of Acer station. By September 2020, the three major telecom operators have completed the construction of 690000 macro base stations. However, so far, operators have not started the procurement of 5g small base stations. Compared with 4G, the higher frequency band of 5g leads to worse indoor coverage of macro base stations, more stations, more complex application scenarios, more obvious advantages of small base stations, and the demand for small base stations in 5g network construction will come earlier. However, on the whole, the demand for small base stations released by 5g network construction is relatively slow, and small base station manufacturers benefit later.

5g new infrastructure drives industrial development - optical module manufacturers

5g construction drives the demand for optical modules, and optical module manufacturers focusing on the telecom market benefit greatly

At present, optical fiber has become the main way of data transmission. The optical module mainly solves the problems of photoelectric conversion and electro-optic conversion between equipment and optical fiber in the process of optical fiber transmission. An optical fiber link requires a pair of optical modules. The optical module at the transmitting end is used for electro-optical conversion, and the optical module at the receiving end is used for photoelectric conversion. Telecom market and data communication market are the main application scenarios of optical modules. Different application scenarios have different requirements for optical modules. In 5g network construction, the optical module is mainly used in the forward transmission from BBU / du to AAU, the intermediate transmission from Du to Cu and the return transmission from Cu to core network. The network architecture and forward transmission mode will affect the number and model of optical modules required by a single station. In the current network construction, three pairs of 25g gray light modules are required for a large proportion of optical fiber direct connection adopted by the front transmission, and three pairs of 25g color light modules are required for a small proportion of wavelength division multiplexing. At present, the BBU in the current network has not been separated. If Cu and Du are separated later, a pair of 25g optical modules are required for the intermediate transmission.

From the demand side, China's 5g network construction can drive about 35.5 billion optical module market. Optical module manufacturers focus on different markets, produce different products and serve different customers. However, both optical module manufacturers focusing on telecom market and digital communication market can achieve 20% ~ 30% gross profit. Overall, 5g network construction has a high demand for optical modules, and optical module manufacturers focusing on the telecom market benefit greatly.

5g new infrastructure drives industrial development - Engineering Construction Enterprises

High threshold, high concentration, poor qualification of small enterprises, and "old" enterprises have great advantages

5g network construction means that the engineering construction enterprise carries out network construction according to the planning report of the Design Institute, and carries out construction in strict accordance with the planned equipment location, antenna angle and wiring specifications. It is the second stage of 5g network life cycle. The general contracting qualification of communication engineering construction is a necessary qualification to enter the industry, and the higher the qualification, the larger the project scale that can be undertaken. At present, there are nearly 4000 enterprises with general contracting qualification for communication engineering construction in China, of which more than 290 enterprises can undertake large-scale projects such as equipment installation, that is, more than 290 enterprises with first-class general contracting qualification for communication engineering construction, and the industry competition is very fierce.


three      Joint efforts of all parties to accelerate 5g new infrastructure  

5g technology development

Equipment manufacturers and operators should continue to increase R & D investment and promote the continuous development of 5g technology

As mentioned above, 5g development is a long-term process, and the progress of standard formulation, production and network deployment will affect the speed of new infrastructure. The 5g standard is evolving to better realize the 5g "vision". R15 standard is mainly for the application of embB and basic urllc. It meets the basic functions of 5g and has been frozen in June 2019. R16 standard is based on R15 standard. On the one hand, it enhances the functions in R15 such as MIMO and dual connection. On the other hand, it mainly expands new functions for vertical industry applications, which has been frozen in June this year. R17 standard is based on R16 and still studied according to the idea of existing function enhancement and new function expansion. It is planned to be completed in September 2021. As the main members of 3GPP, main equipment manufacturers and operators need to ensure continuous R & D investment to ensure the completion of R17 and subsequent standards as planned. It takes about a year from technical specifications to commercial products. R16 has just frozen, and equipment manufacturers need to increase R & D investment to realize the new features of R16 as soon as possible. The current network deployment is mainly based on R15 standard. On the one hand, operators should actively promote the introduction of new features of R16, on the other hand, they need to increase investment to promote the maturity of network slicing and edge computing solutions and serve the vertical industry.

Promoting the maturity of technology is the primary task of mobile network development. The continuous R & D investment of operators and equipment manufacturers is the guarantee for the continuous evolution of mobile network technology. Compared with 2G / 3G / 4G, 5g extends people-centered communication to people and things centered communication for the first time. 5g's ability to realize the interconnection of all things has brought infinite imagination to the development of the industry. The high expectations of countries for 5g have led to the commercial use of the standard before it is mature. Although China has started the scale deployment of base stations, it is mainly based on R15, which can meet the application of embB. In addition to accelerating the construction speed of base stations, it is also necessary to accelerate the development of 5g technology to build a high-quality 5g network and enable the development of industrial applications. From the overall R & D expenditure of mobile network main equipment manufacturers in recent ten years, it shows an upward trend, but Ericsson and ZTE tend to be stable in recent two years. At present, the application of 5g industry is still in the early stage of development, and needs the continuous development of standards, products and solutions. Therefore, equipment manufacturers and operators should continue to increase R & D investment to promote the continuous development of 5g technology.

5g network cost

User oriented, phased and accurate deployment and maintenance optimization to improve the utilization of the base station

Compared with 4G, the cost of 5g network is higher, which is reflected in two aspects: high construction cost and high operation cost. The high construction cost is mainly caused by the large number of stations and the high price of a single base station. The high operating cost is mainly caused by the large number of base stations and high energy consumption of a single station. Continuously reducing the cost of 5g network has become the first priority of the whole 5g industrial chain. In terms of network construction, ITU adopts the way of co construction and sharing, and China Mobile is actively striving for cooperation with China Radio and television, so as to reduce costs. In terms of operating costs, the government actively coordinated to reduce electricity prices, equipment manufacturers reduced the power consumption of base stations from the perspective of hardware, iron towers actively promoted the conversion of power supply to direct power supply, and operators intelligently shut down 5gaau channels.

From the operation of 4G network, in addition to continuously adhering to the above cost reduction measures, operators also need to improve the utilization of 5g base stations to reduce costs and improve investment benefits. Taking the operation of a one-day base station of China Mobile in August 2020 as an example, there are no business cells 24 hours a day, and the number of cells with downlink traffic less than 1m in the white sky is between 200 and 1000. Assuming that such a situation also occurs in the 5g network in the city, a simple calculation is made based on the no-load power of the 5g base station of 2.3KW and the transfer power supply of 1.3 yuan / kWh. The electricity charge of a single no-load station for one hour is about 3 yuan, that is, the electricity charge of a non business community in the city is about 11000 yuan a day, and that of a community below 1m is about 28000 yuan.

Under the cooperative networking of 4G and 5g, 4G can meet the daily business needs of C-end users. At present, the value of 5g is reflected in 8K video, cloud VR, cloud games and other applications. In addition to users who are willing to "taste" and are not price sensitive, cloud games, cloud VR and 8K HD video lovers who can feel the value of 5g are more willing to convert 5g packages. In the planning stage, we should further refine the planning principles, fully consider the willingness of mobile users to upgrade 5g, and deploy accurately in stages to avoid the long-term low service of 5g base stations. In the maintenance and optimization stage, the indicators such as coverage, connection rate and call drop rate are not simply used as the assessment criteria, and the user complaint is no longer simply used as the only link between the network department and users. A real-time feedback channel between the two should be established to fully consider the views of users. On the whole, in addition to continuously taking measures to reduce costs, operators also need to be user-oriented, carry out accurate deployment and maintenance optimization in stages, and improve the utilization of base stations.

5g network application - C-end application

Operators should adopt value management, accelerate multi-dimensional billing, and cooperate with applications for promotion

Application is the continuous driving force for the development of 5g new infrastructure. Compared with 4G, 5g users develop slowly. Based on the analysis of 4G and 5g mobile, the number of 5g users reached 70.2 million in the fourth quarter after the issuance of 5g license, but the number of 4G users reached 90.06 million in the fourth quarter after the issuance of 4G license. As for mobile video, the 3G era has begun to develop, which is a basic and common demand, but the 3G network performance can not support its good experience. The faster speed of 4G network can bring clearer and smoother video experience, significantly improve user perception and strong willingness to upgrade 4G. Therefore, operators formulate packages with different gears based on traffic, divide high, middle and low-end users according to the telephone charges at that time, and promote them from high to low scale, which has achieved good results.

Cloud mobile phones, cloud games, cloud VR and 8K HD video are in the early stage of development, and the technology needs to be further mature. At present, they are not all common requirements. Moreover, each application has different requirements for network performance. A public network can not meet the ultimate experience of each application. It needs network slices to create virtual networks with different performance. Therefore, 5g network needs a more flexible pricing method. Although operators have proposed "multi-dimensional" pricing, they still use 4G scale operation to strive for a breakthrough for medium and high-end users. For most users, 4G can meet the daily business experience, 5g can not bring qualitative improvement to the existing business, and the package cost is high, and the willingness to upgrade 5g is weak. Operators should adopt value management, accelerate the implementation of multi-dimensional billing, cooperate with third-party platforms, and accurately push to users who can better perceive 5g value. For example, operators can cooperate with cloud games and cloud VR platforms, and propose more suitable Telecom packages for the game on the cloud VR game platform.

5g network application - b-end application

Industrial applications are implemented in stages to accelerate ICT integration and promote the scale promotion of early applications

For the first time, industrial applications have become the key application scenario of wireless cellular network services, and will also become the driving force for the continuous growth of revenue of communication operators. In the past two years, operators and equipment manufacturers have actively sought the integration of 5g and the industry to realize the value of 5g in industry application. However, the diversity and complexity of industry applications determine that the integration of 5g and industry is a long process. Some application scenarios still have technical bottlenecks other than the network, which also determines that 5g industry applications need to be implemented in stages. There are some problems in the application development of 5g industry, such as immature network, lack of solution integrators, fragmented demand, high customization cost, few industry terminals, unclear business model and so on. At present, 5g focused solutions for application scenarios such as smart medicine, smart factory, smart energy and Internet of vehicles are mainly composed of IT solutions and CT solutions. 5g is the main component of CT solution. It solutions need to fully understand the application scenarios and are accelerators for the integration of 5g and industrial applications. Overall, 5g industry applications need to be implemented in stages according to the technical maturity. For early applications with commercial conditions, it is necessary to accelerate the integration of IT solutions and CT solutions and promote their large-scale promotion.

Operators use private networks to provide customized networks and services

Operators need to accelerate the maturity of 5g virtual private network and promote the application development of 5g industry

Operators want to use 5g industry private network to provide customized networks and services for users. From the perspective of resource isolation, industry private networks are divided into virtual private networks and physical private networks. Virtual private network is mainly realized by network slicing and core network sinking. The physical private network is realized by using dedicated frequency band and dedicated base station, independent or shared core network. According to the network service scope, the industry private network can be divided into wide area private network and local area private network. Wan is a slicing service based on the end-to-end public network resources of operators. It mainly aims at the application scenarios with scattered business and wide coverage, including transportation, power, Internet of vehicles and super large enterprises operating across domains. Local private network includes two schemes: local virtual private network and local physical private network. It is suitable for businesses limited to specific geographical areas. Based on the 5g network in specific areas, the business closed loop is realized to ensure that the core businesses of the industry do not leave the park. The main application scenarios include Park / plant enterprises such as manufacturing, steel, petrochemical, port, education and medical treatment.

At present, the network slicing technology is not yet mature, and the virtual private network will take some time from commercial use. Although the performance of local physical private network is good, the cost is high. Overall, the development of 5g industry private network still needs time. Operators need to accelerate the maturity of 5g virtual private network and promote the application development of 5g industry.

four      Analysis on important sectors of 5g new infrastructure  

5g new infrastructure industry chain

In addition to the main equipment, supporting equipment such as MicroStation, antenna and optical module deserve attention

Optical module is the basic unit of 5g network

5g brings new challenges to the optical module industry, and domestic optical module manufacturers are developing towards upstream chips

Optical module is the basic unit of 5g network physical layer equipment, which is applied to wireless and transmission equipment. Compared with 4G, the large bandwidth of 5g has higher requirements on the speed of optical modules. A variety of forward transmission schemes need different types of optical modules. The evolution of CPRI to ecpri is more stringent on the high temperature resistance of forward transmission optical modules, which brings new challenges to the optical module industry. Although domestic optical module manufacturers have squeezed into the first echelon of the global optical module market, domestic development in the core chip link of optical modules is weak and mainly depends on imports, especially high-speed optical modules for 5g network construction. At present, domestic optical module manufacturers such as Guangxun and Hisilicon have begun to make efforts in the upstream chips of optical modules, but there is still a large gap between the overall capacity and foreign countries. Under the background of domestic substitution, it is believed that the number of domestic optical module manufacturers developing to upstream chips will gradually increase.

Small base stations will become an important part of 5g network

To improve the "status" of 5g small base stations, we need to accelerate product maturity and wait for opportunities

The main coverage band of 4G is 1.8ghz-2.3ghz, while the main coverage band of 5g is 2.6ghz-3.5ghz. 5g high frequency not only increases the number of base stations, but also makes indoor coverage more difficult. Small base stations are small in size and flexible in deployment, which can solve the pain points of outdoor site selection and indoor coverage, and will become an indispensable part of 5g network construction. In order to meet the needs of various 5g application scenarios, the network architecture of 5g small base stations is simpler, the number of cells, power consumption, number of users and other performance indicators have been greatly improved, and cloud deployment is also supported to become more open. At present, 5g network is in the stage of scale construction to achieve basic coverage. During this period, small base station manufacturers need to accelerate the maturity of their products and wait for the arrival of deep coverage requirements.

The antenna is the entrance and exit of 5g network

5g antenna is tightly coupled with RF, which increases the dependence on base station equipment manufacturers

According to the coverage application scenario, the antenna of mobile cellular network is divided into base station antenna and indoor distributed antenna. The former is used for outdoor coverage and the latter is used for indoor coverage. The use of massive MIMO technology has a great impact on 5g antenna. In terms of outdoor coverage, the base station antenna evolved from 4G 8t8r to 5g 64t64r. In order to solve the connection problem between RF and antenna, RRU and antenna are combined, and 5g is changed from the three-level architecture of BBU RRU antenna to the two-level architecture of BBU AAU. From the perspective of indoor coverage, the new indoor distribution system will replace the traditional Das indoor distribution system and become the main scheme. The antenna form has also evolved from the original single channel passive antenna to the RF unit prru with built-in antenna. At present, there are loose coupling schemes with RF fixed behind the antenna, but on the whole, tight coupling between antenna and RF is the mainstream scheme in 5g era. In addition to Huawei's antenna production capacity, equipment manufacturers such as ZTE, Ericsson and CITIC (Datang Mobile) need to carry out strategic cooperation with antenna manufacturers to package the antenna and RF to operators. Therefore, the market share of antenna depends on the share of equipment manufacturers to a certain extent, and the dependence on equipment manufacturers increases.

Time window for local governments to promote the landing of 5g industry

Single point breakthrough of industrial chain and development opportunities of integrators

In the current Chinese environment, 5g new infrastructure is an important industry that can effectively drive the economy. Compared with the traditional communication infrastructure, 5g needs more construction and more equipment, so it is bound to trigger a new round of investment boom. As mentioned above, optical modules, small base stations and antennas are the sectors with opportunities in the existing 5g industry. However, they are different. Optical modules have formed industrial clusters in China. Wuhan Optical Valley was approved as the first batch of national high-tech zones by the State Council in 1991 and as the national optoelectronic industry base by the former State Planning Commission and the Ministry of science and technology in 2001. Although small base stations and antennas need to increase production capacity, there is no trend of cluster nature, and they need to operate to a certain extent. The landing of these three existing industries is the target that can promote the development of 5g industry in a region, and after landing, it can also increase the attraction of the region to other industries.

In addition, the development of integrators is a plate with great imagination in the process of 5g industrial application and landing in the future. At present, operators are very radical in the process of promoting 5g. They can take the lead to find suppliers for pilot without considering the investment return ratio, and operators only charge network service fees in the later stage. Therefore, if the demand for enterprise digitization increases in the future, these companies cannot be the only ones to do it. On the one hand, industry barriers can not be covered. On the other hand, small businesses may not do it all. From the demand level, the integrated solution, network is the foundation, and the upper layer also needs it technology. For users, it is impossible to find several companies to complete. At present, operators, equipment manufacturers and the original integrators of Xinhua 3 are all doing integrated solutions, but they are only proficient in CT solutions and lack the foundation and foundation of it. A big difference between 5g and 4G is that its ultimate goal is to drive the development of b-end industry. Therefore, for 5g, it is necessary to lead the common progress of a series of communication technologies, including cellular network technology. In the process of driving the development of b-end industry, the communication connection capability is only similar to many basic capabilities in the enterprise service console. Integrators need to use them to form many solutions for different industries. This part of enterprise service capacity will be the largest part of the real economy value-added opportunities driven by 5g in addition to 5g new infrastructure investment.

Integration direction around application scenarios

The solution of b-end industrial application is the focus of development

ITU-R defines three application scenarios for 5g: embB, urllc and mmtc. EmbB, that is, enhanced mobile broadband, mainly refers to 4K / 8K high-definition video, AR / VR, 3D holography and other mobile Internet mass flow consumer applications. Urllc, namely ultra-high reliability and low delay, mainly refers to industrial manufacturing, telemedicine, automatic driving and other industrial applications with high requirements for reliability and delay. Mmtc, that is, mass machine communication, mainly refers to the application scenarios dominated by mass sensors, such as smart home, smart city and large-area environmental monitoring.

5g's star effect has attracted a large number of consumer and industry-level application scenarios related to it. However, whether these application scenarios are real 5g applications needs to analyze the relevance of 5g technology from the requirements of application scenarios. From the six dimensions of bandwidth, delay, reliability, mobility, connection and coverage, 5g has the advantages of large bandwidth, low delay and high reliability compared with 4G. Compared with optical fiber, 5g has the advantages of strong mobility and large connection, and the disadvantage is poor indoor environment coverage. Therefore, the landing of 5g in the local industry is essentially the integration of a series of communication and it technologies when providing solutions for the industrial environment.

Wuhan & middot; China Optical Valley

Industrial extension brought by high-tech industrial agglomeration and the value-added role of urban brand

Among the existing examples, the East Lake high tech Zone in Wuhan is the most representative of 5g new infrastructure industry, which is called "China Optical Valley". It is the world's largest optical fiber and cable development base, the country's largest optical device R & D and production base, and the largest laser industry base in China. Optical Valley optical fiber and cable account for 66% of the national market and 25% of the international market, and its sales volume ranks first in the world. Head enterprise in optical fiber field, China information technology, Changfei; Optical module head enterprises, Guangxun technology, Huagong technology and Hisilicon are all concentrated in Wuhan. This dual gathering of production capacity and companies has greatly improved the regional brand value of East Lake high tech Zone. Furthermore, in addition to the optical industry itself, with the help of the mutual driving effect of high-tech industries, optical valley also gathers several major industries such as biomedicine, energy conservation and environmental protection, high-end equipment manufacturing and modern service industry, which has greatly established the urban image of Wuhan in the national high-tech field. It has an obvious effect on attracting talents and driving the economy.

Preferential policies and support to ensure the most basic survival and operation and maintenance of enterprises

In 2001, Wuhan East Lake high tech Zone was officially named "China Optical Valley". In 2000, Wuhan government launched 14 clear and quantifiable preferential policies for optical valley. It mainly includes the following aspects:


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