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  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 821
"Localization scheme" is a cutting-edge hot topic in the Internet of things industry, and independent and controllable localization is the general tre……
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 836
This issue is a topic that has been discussed more recently in the industry and has been discussed with peers.Electronic componentsWhy are there so many trading companies in the industry? Why can anyone who has been in this industry for half a year start
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 816
The development speed of the Internet of things in China is obvious to all, but the research on the information security of the Internet of things lags behind. The Internet is the foundation of the construction of the Internet of things, so the security t
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 805
When it comes to global satellite navigation system, people often think of the global positioning system (GPS) of the United States first. According to the reference news, citing the website of Japan economic news on August 20, the United States has long
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 837
Recently, as the satellite of the Beidou Series, the official announced: "Beidou No. 3 basic system completed construction, starting to provide global services today. This marks the scope of the Beidou system service as a global, and the Beidou
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 862
Guided reading: At Amazon's hardware conference, the media mostly focused on more than a dozen intelligent hardware devices, but sidewalk technology deserves more attention. Its release implies Amazon's intention to further expand the smart ho
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 900
0 one What is RFID RFID (radio frequency identification) radio frequency identification technology, also known as "electronic tag", is a ……
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 832
Today, happy birthday to Beidou! Today is October 31, 2019, which can be said to be the birthday of Beidou navigation satellite system.All my colleagues and everyone at kingholm (www.bds666. Com) wish Beidou a happy 19th birthday!
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 784
Beidou satellite navigation system (BDS), GPS of the United States, GLONASS of Russia and Galileo of the European Union are recognized suppliers by the United Nations Satellite Navigation Commission. At present, Beidou has been able to challenge GPS with
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 775
In the intensified Sino US science and technology war in the past two years, 5g has attracted much attention as the focus of the struggle. Due to the lack of 5g communication system integration manufacturers in the United States, under the backward situat
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 732
With the popularity of smart phones, "navigation" and "positioning" have already taken root in our daily life: we are used to driving to our destination with navigation; Use location to send the meeting place to friends; Or instant acc
  • Updated: 2021-12-29
  • Views: 858
2009 is a special starting point for China's electronics industry. Three important things have happened. First, with the release of the third generat……

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