
Famous Column



Release date:2023-07-07Author source:KinghelmViews:531

Hi, Everyone! I am Shiqiang Song, the majority shareholder, boss, chairman and general manager of two companies, Slkor and Kinghelm. Slkor (www.slkoric.com) has been developing rapidly in recent years, investing heavily in product research and development, with high-end products such as IGBTs and power management chips selling well in the market, and the market share domestic of Slkor is rising. We have opened two directly owned shops in Huaqiangbei Commercial Area, Shenzhen. We are also promoting our brand "Slkor" and products to the international market. It has only been half a year, now, new foreign customers place orders every day. Rapid improvement in key operational indicators is a good result for Slkor, which has only been established for a few years. The topic of my speech today is "FIRST EXPERIENCE OF THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF SLKOR", and I would like to share my thoughts and methods of the past six months to all of you, and hope to get your guidance!

SlkorMicro Promotional Leaflet

I will start from the following aspects, the main points that an international company needs to have, the international gene of Slkor, the system support of the two official websites of Slkor (slkoric.com) and kinghelm (kinghelm.net), The application of the Internet in the internationalization of Slkor , the ecological, matrix and hierarchical methodology of Slkor in international promotion and sales, and the current layout and development path of Slkor.


Slkor Shiqiang Song Speech Material

First of all, what is an international company?

For entrepreneurs, they all want their company to become an international one, and I wish too. In terms of the usual criteria for an international company, one point is that its overseas revenue exceeds 30% of its total revenue, and the second is that its overseas profit exceeds 30% of its total profit, these two indicators demonstrate that the company has a certain ability to operate transnationally and a global vision, to carry out business and compete with international peers on a global scale. Many foreign trade companies based in Shenzhen Huaqiangbei Commercial Area meet these two conditions, but regrettably to them, they are far from internationalization.

Because there is also the third condition, that is, their products and brands, among the world peers, have a top-ranking market share, they need have competitiveness, visibility, reputation, influence, allocation of resources with a supply chain in the global scope, and can provide service for the world-wide customers. Lenovo, Fuyao Glass and Huawei, Alibaba and Tencent of the Internet, and TikTok, the overseas version of Douyin under Toutiao, are the brand with the best degree of internationalization, as are Apple, Toyota, Tesla, KFC and other overseas companies. Slkor and Kinghelm have been implementing internationalization, standardization and processes since the very beginning, and are trying to learn from these big companies! To clarify, the top oil companies and banks in our A-share market make a lot of money, but they make money by monopolizing domestic resources, not by being international companies!


Second, Slkor internationalization gene.


Slkor Shiqiang Song (left) speaking at the China Outbound Semiconductor Seminar

Above all, Korean team + Chinese market.

Slkor’s technologies have internationalization gene. Slkor’s initial technical backbones came from Yonsei University of South Korea. The combination of the South Korean team and the Chinese market is the DNA of Slkor. In terms of the composition of Slkor, S is the initial of my name Smith, L is the initial of the South Korean co-founder Lion, and kor is the abbreviation of Korea, indicating that the technology of Slkor originates from a team incorporating South Korean talents.

Then, South Korean technologies + Tsinghua R&D + domestic and overseas markets.

It has been 9 years since Slkor was founded in 2015. Its development path started from cooperation with the South Korean technology team to develop the Chinese market, and it gradually developed a model combining the South Korean technology base with the Tsinghua University technology team and the R&D team in Wuxi, constantly launching new products to impact the domestic and international markets. In this process, Slkor has developed rapidly and steadily.


The internationalization DNA of Slkor

Third, Slkor, kinghelm and me.

Attention everyone, I'm going to start bragging! I have many titles, such as private economic researcher of the State Council Economic Development Center, electronic information expert of the China Association for Science and Technology, Huaqiangbei business research expert, these titles are used for my bragging. I am also Huaqiangbei famous stall economist, and "commentary area senior talent" of major sports forums. Huaqiangbei bosses said my football commentary is featured with "the passion and hysteria of Huang Jianxiang when he supported the Italian left back during the World Cup 2006, the speed and passion of Han Qiaosheng when he commented national football games, and his unique utter words that do not hang together, and the philosophical and literary summary of football poet He Wei at the end of the game”. I run SlkorMicro and Kinghelm Electronics, and I have promoted the two brands "SLKOR" and "Kinghelm" to the world as national high-tech enterprises and enterprises above designated size.



Slkor strives to be the "semiconductor industry leader"

Shenzhen SlkorMicro Semicon Co., Ltd. (www.slkoric.com), with its technical backbone from Yonsei University of South Korea and Tsinghua University in Beijing, has mastered the international leading technology of 3rd generation silicon carbide power devices. Slkor has developed into a national high-tech enterprise integrating design, R&D, manufacturing, sales and service, and the brand "SLKOR" is gaining reputation in the semiconductor industry. Our products include diodes and transistors, power devices, power management chips and other integrated circuits. Shenzhen Kinghelm Electronics Co., Ltd. (www.kinghelm.net), a national high-tech enterprise, member of China Satellite Navigation Association, China Information Industry Chamber of Commerce and Guangdong Connector Association, has obtained many BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) related invention patents and software copyrights. Kinghelm Electronics specializes in technical research, product design and manufacturing, and sales service of microwave RF signal transceiver, miniature electronic connector and interconnection system products. Its technical team members come from Tsinghua University and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, including returnee professionals, with the ability to develop highly reliable and high-performance products.


Kinghelm and Slkor Development Foyer Iteration

Fourth, the Internet mindset.

Now we are in the electronic information age, the Internet is the tool, equivalent to the iron farming tools in the agricultural era and the steam engines in the industrial era. Compared with the first two eras, the underlying logic of Internet commerce has changed. If you don’t either know how to apply Internet tools or have Internet mindset, you cannot keep up with the changes, basically will be eliminated by the times!

My friend Mr. Qi Dafeng said that the underlying logic of sales in the Internet era is to first attract people (Internet platforms, Apps, building an ecology around smart hardware, etc.), develop products according to the characteristics of people (user profiling), and strive to sell products to them. I agree with this theory. For example, Amazon used to sell only books, but later it sold everything when there were more customers, and Li Guoqing adopted the same model for his ddw.zone. Jingdong.com started out as a seller of electrical appliances, but has now developed into a comprehensive sales platform. Mr. Qi Dafeng writes columns for the official website of Kinghelm, insisting on providing valuable thoughts every day, and the number of views is very high, spreading new thoughts is a great act!


Slkor Shiqiang Song's Speech Material

In addition to the peers who are purchasing or learning, there are millions of "electronic enthusiasts" and registered engineer members in the electronic components industry. The platform traffic is tremendous. My "BDS Expert" column on Huaqiu Mall has had millions of views. In my opinion, it will be a good business to sell Feitian Maotai and the 8th generation Wuliangye or even cultural T-shirts on Huaqiu Mall.

The Internet has the following characteristics, which can be used to get twice the result with half the effort.

First, memory can be accumulated.

The Internet has a memory, information can be accumulated, information is wealth in the Internet era. When company name, products, brands and other related keywords, associated words, pictures, website backlinks were included in the Internet search engines, or small video screens are recommended on Douyin, WeChat video channel or Little Red Book, memories will remain in the Internet, and you can gradually accumulate the amount of information. When the amount of information and views reach a certain number, relevant content searched by customers will appear on the first page of the computer or mobile phone screen, more opportunities for exposure will easily bring more business.

As an example, He Junju's advertisement for Slkor silicon carbide mos tubes on Internet in 2015, Now it is often searched on Baidu and Google. He Junju has grown to be the sales’ vice president of Slkor, the contact number is the same, but the job information is still the sales engineer back then. A few years ago, many Huaqiangbei bosses made great fortune by speculating and bought Bentley. The "Speculation of Huaqiangbei Bosses" wrote by me based on these stories was widely spread. Because some information in this article is too hot, affecting my shining image, I deleted this article from my website kinghelm.net and official account "BDS Expert", but it was recorded by foreign web platforms, so it is still searchable!



Slkor products such as zener diodes

Second, locking customers and supporting R&D.

The internet model is to acquire customers first, various kinds of end users select products by reversely searching supplier information, and Internet platforms accurately push the product information to potential customers, customers are results of big data analysis, customer acquisition is the result of "two-way selection". In the previous years, the model adopted by Baidu and Google was that people were looking for goods, and it requires keep investing in advertising, while the model adopted by Toutiao and Douyin is mainly about goods looking for people, and it requires to keep gaining traffic! The customers acquired are quickly converted to cash, product information is accurately pushed based on the "customer profiling" technology. For example, I often receive small advertisements for Yunnan tea and Yixing clay teapots, big brother Wei receives advertisements for bathing centers and confinement centers, and big brother Lei receives advertisements for overseas marriage and stem cells!

Compared with the traditional way of developing customers by visiting them and then giving them gifts and inviting them to drink and give them kickbacks, the Internet is characterized by being fast, accurate and ruthless, and its efficiency is geometrically multiplied. From the perspective of precision, at least the problems, such as uncertainty in employees visiting customers, imprecise demand for product categories and models, imprecise demand for time points, have been solved. Precise pushing is simple, crude and effective, I bought two dozen clay teapots and a dozen kinds of Pu-erh tea this year, enough for me to drink for ten years. Big brother Wei bought VIP packages of a dozen bathing centers, receiving dozens of electronic bracelets as gift, so he is no longer afraid that his wife can't find him when he is drunken, he said technology makes life so easy. Big brother Lei finally identified his girlfriend (it's only one girlfriend) out of lots of choices. The girlfriend is a scientific and technical worker who promotes stem cells. Big brother Lei, who has finally combined his hobby and career, has started to receive advertisements for confinement centers!

Both Slkor and Kinghelm are in the electronic information industry, the future can be expected. We use our common technologies to determine new products based on the Internet mindset. Our Kinghelm (www.kinghelm.net) team, on the basis of the microwave radio-frequency technology we have mastered and the existing equipment of our laboratory factory, developed FPC connectors, piercing connectors, automotive wiring harnesses and other products. Slkor (www.slkoric.com) initially produced silicon carbide mos tubes, and developed TVS diodes, power management chips, AC-DC chips and other supporting products, which are now selling well! Kinghelm and Slkor's products are used by various end customers, effectively driving our brand penetration and product introduction to new customers!

By the way, big brother Wei’s intelligent bracelets are fireproof, anti-theft, anti-mosquito and anti-missing. Our Kinghelm bluetooth antennas and Slkor TVS diodes are used in the bracelets, so our companies have been contributing to the IoT society!


Slkor Shiqiang Song (left) speaks at the “Chinese Semiconductors Go Out” symposium

Third, breaking through the constraints of space and time.

The Internet has broken through space and time constraints, allowing for unrestricted information exchange and interaction, greatly improving efficiency!

The great painter Chen Danqing was very good at pretending, and his approved teacher Mu Xin said, "Once carriages and horses were slow, and letters were slow, one could only love one person in a lifetime". But decades later, with the rise of the Internet and the construction of highways, high-speed railways and other infrastructure, the constraints of time and space have been greatly broken.

Today is the information age of industrial civilization. A brother from Huaqiangbei can go to Dongguan, the back garden of Shenzhen, to wash his feet in two hours for a round trip, and take only three hours to go to Beijing from Shenzhen by flight, and our overseas salesmen can communicate with foreign customers by email, whatsapp, facetime and so on, basically without any time delay. This would have been unthinkable in decades ago!


Fourth, mass information, saturated penetration.

The popularization of the Internet has made it possible for people to access and share large amounts of information anytime and anywhere, including text, pictures, audio and video, covering various fields and industries and penetrating all aspects of social life. The brand "Slkor" is fast emerging in the field of semiconductors because of the constant penetration of the Internet through the sharing of massive amounts of information. The keyword "Slkor" has been indexed in the search engine Bing for 126 million times in the last six months, which was unthinkable before. The number of associated words and drop-down words we use in connection with the brand "Slkor" is even greater.

The Internet space is a battlefield where you compete with your opponents in a non-physical space, where brand, products and other information is digitized and then constantly dispersed, received and transformed, and the competition is just as brutal as offline competition. Therefore, I asked the executives of Kinghelm and Slkor to study and research Clausewitz's book On War and learn Huawei's wolf marketing. Taking repeated artillery coverage after saturated strike with Van Fleet load in a position warfare as an example, we construe ammunition as brands, products, industries, hot topics, leading figures and other keywords associated words in the Internet space, our hundreds of sales staff insist on taking time out every day to engage in information bombardment in the Internet space, just like more than 100,000 people charging towards the switchboard market in Huawei, creating an overwhelming advantage, this is the reason why Slkor could develop fast in recent years!


Slkor (www.slkoric.com) website information

Fifth, using hot spots.

Let me talk about the marketing methods adopted by Kinghelm and Slkor. We all know that the hot spot of the electronic information industry is Huaqiangbei, where there are huge crowds and many people make their fortune. The word Huaqiangbei is searched more than 30 million times a day. Last year, during the Saige Plaza shaking incident, the search volume of Huaqiangbei and Saige Plaza exceeds more than one hundred million per day, in the era that traffic comes first, this is very scary. I came to Shenzhen and did my first job in Huaqiangbei. Slkor opened two outlet store in Huaqiangbei, and Kinghelm also hung a large promotional poster in Huaqiangbei. I have been following and studying Huaqiangbei and offer suggestions for its transformation and development. My economic survey data and business research theory series on Huaqiangbei have been published by authoritative domestic media such as People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency and Phoenix.com and authoritative international media such as Associated Press, Yahoo News, Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones. I tactfully included the words Huaqiangbei, Kinghelm and Slkor in these texts, equivalent to a lot of soft advertising.


Slkor entries in Baidu

There will be about 493,000 Slkor entries and about 27,400 Kinghelm entries in Baidu when you search Huaqiangbei Slkor and Huaqiangbei Kinghelm, the traffic is far ahead of our peers, bringing a lot of business for two Slkor directly-owned stores in Huaqiangbei.

To be continued, stay tuned (Part Two)!


About the author Mr. Shiqiang Song:

Mr. Shiqiang Song is a researcher of private economy at the Economic Development Center of the State Council, a member of the electronic information expert pool of the China Association for Science and Technology, and an expert in Huaqiangbei business research. Mr. Song was the CEO of a listed international real estate company, and now he invests and manages Shenzhen SlkorMicro Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (www.slkoric.com) and Shenzhen Kinghelm Electronics Co., Ltd. (www.kinghelm.com.cn). Both Slkor and Kinghelm are national high-tech enterprises, owning dozens of original invention patents and software copyrights. At present, Slkor is one of the Chinese semiconductor companies developing rapidly and steadily. The company's vision is "to become the leader of the semiconductor industry".


"With Kinghelm, BDS is connected”. Starting from the development of BDS GPS antenna, Kinghelm has developed and produced RF microwave antennas, RF jumper cables and electrical signal connectors to embrace the intelligent digital era of the Internet of Things. Mr. Song has a high reputation and influence in the semiconductor and BDS positioning and navigation industry. Mr. Song has been working in the electronics industry for many years and is constantly striving for a better business environment in Huaqiangbei, in the hope that Huaqiangbei will become a window of reform and opening up and a symbol of Shenzhen's economic development.


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