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  • Updated: 2023-08-28
  • Views: 1915
Yes! During its rapid development and listing process, Kinghelmwill acquire teams with unique technical characteristics and sales teams with combat effectiveness to enhance its overall competitiveness.As a national high-tech enterprise, Kinghelmis constan
  • Updated: 2023-08-26
  • Views: 1985
For samples with a total value of less than RMB15, domestic and foreign customers can apply for free samplesonKinghelm’s official website. www.kinghelm.com.cn or www.kinghelm.net, but freight must be paid by the recipient The introduction of this poli
  • Updated: 2023-08-25
  • Views: 2070
Product Description The RF Coaxial Connector IPEX Inner Hole Generation 2 KH-252515-G2.1 is a high-performance connector developed by Kinghelm. It is specifically designed for RF signal transmission. This connector features an IPEX interface type and
  • Updated: 2023-08-25
  • Views: 1777
All of the above reports can be provided.KinghelmElectronics Co., Ltd. is a technology-oriented company that focuses on the research, design, manufacturing, and sales of microwave RF signal transmission, connector products, and related services. We are co
  • Updated: 2023-08-24
  • Views: 1984
The IPEX RF board socket is a small, high-performance connector used for connecting RF boards to RF components such as antennas, filters, and power amplifiers. It utilizes advanced RF technology to provide excellent transmission performance and reliabilit
  • Updated: 2023-08-24
  • Views: 1849
The Kinghelm technical team has around 30 people, and as the company continues to grow rapidly, we are constantly recruiting technical talents.The team members of Kinghelminclude graduates from prestigious universities such as Tsinghua University and Univ
  • Updated: 2023-08-23
  • Views: 2003
Kinghelm has collaborated with major internet platforms such as Lichuang Mall, ICkey, IChunt, HQBuy, and ICgoo. Kinghelm also has its own Chinese and English official websites, as well as platforms such as Alibaba International and AliExpress. The
  • Updated: 2023-08-22
  • Views: 1689
In the field of modern communication, RF coaxial connectors play a vital role. And one highly esteemed type of connector is the MCX (Micro Coaxial) connector. MCX connectors have become an ideal choice for wireless communication and extensive applications
  • Updated: 2023-08-22
  • Views: 2212
Kinghelm will allocate some customers to agents based on the geographical location and other business conditions of the end customers served, in order to facilitate the service. Kinghelm has a registration protection mechanism for clients developed by age
  • Updated: 2023-08-21
  • Views: 1710
The company's quotation for agents is uniform. In order to increase the enthusiasm of agents, the company reserves a 15% margin for agents. In addition, tiered prices will be established based on the purchase quantity. There is a possibility of specia
  • Updated: 2023-08-18
  • Views: 1675
The product we are introducing is a Kinghelm RF coaxial connector, with the specific model being KH-SMA-K513-11G. It is a connector with a male pin, gold-plated outer thread, and an inner hole with 11 teeth.Features & Benefits ● High Performance

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